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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B (3a-Self Check)一、核心素养目标:语言能力 : 通过本课程的学习,学生能进一步发展语言意识和英语语感;掌握英语语言知识并在语境中整合性运用所学知识; 理解口、 笔语语篇所传递的意义, 识别并赏析其恰当表达意义的手段; 有效使用口、 笔语传递意义和进行人际交流。文化品格 : 通过本课程的学习,学生能获得文化知识,理解文化内涵,比较文化异同, 吸收文化精华, 形成正确的价值观念和道德情感, 自信、 自尊、 自强, 具备一定的跨文化沟通和传播中华优秀文化的能力。思维品质 : 通过本课程的学习, 学生能辨析语言和文化中的各种现象; 分类、 概括信息,建构新概念;分析、推断信息的逻辑关系;正确评判各种思想观点,理性表达自己的观点,具备初步用英语进行多元思维的能力。学习能力 : 通过本课程的学习,学生保持对英语学习的兴趣,具有明确的目标意识, 能够多渠道获取学习资源, 有效规划学习时间和学习任务, 选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、反思、调整和评价自己的学习。1. 知识与技能:1) 掌握下列生词: dress up; take sb. s place, army, do a good job2) 复习 to 不定式做宾语的用法。掌握后面跟不定式结构做宾语的动词。2. 过程与方法:1) 能够综合运用所掌握的知识来描述自己所喜欢的一些动画片或影视剧。2) 通过自己所喜欢的一些动画片或影视剧来达到熟练运用所学知识的目的。3.情感态度与价值观:1) 通过学习花木兰的影评,了解古代英雄的形象,从而联想到现在和平年代的英雄志士,号召大家努力学习,向英雄致敬。2) 了解一些影视片的内容,通过观看不同形式的影视片来了解社会,丰富自己的文化知识。二、 教学重难点1. 教学重点:能运用所学的知识及提示来阅读相关影视片的简介,并能完成相关任务。2. 教学难点:能运用所学的知识与句型表达方式来简介一下自己所看过的影视片。Teaching Procedures:I . Revision1 . Show some pictures and ask them to guess what kind of movies they are.2 .Play a game.Divide the students into 5 groups, then say the sentenscequilkly, let seewhsich group spend the shortest time.3. Which of these statements do you agree with (/ ) or disagree with ( x )? Give at least one reason .4. Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.5. Review your favorite cartoon character.n . Lead-in1. There is a heroine in old Chinese story. Can you guess who she is? Today we ll learn about her.Show some pictures and ask some questions aboutMulan. Let the Ss think and answer the questions:“ Do youlike cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say anything about it? ”2. Let Ss discuss the questions and answer the questions. e.g.51: Yes, I do. Mulan didn t have any brothers. She took his father s place tin the army.52: Mulan dressed up like a boy. Nobody knew she was a girl in the army.3. Show a video of Mulan.4. Tell the story of Mulan and ask several students to retell it.m. Reading1. Read the article about Mulan. Fill in the blanks in the movie review. Use the words in the box to help you.2. Check the answers with the Ss.3. Use the words in the box to complete the movie review.4. Ask Ss Do you like Mulan? Why?”5. Show a video. Lets see what todays heros look like.IV. WritingWork on 3b:1. Think about your favorite movies. Write notes for your own movie review.2. Give some examples to the Ss.The name of the movie: The Lion KingThe kind of the movie: cartoonWhat the movie is about?Simba sather was the king. But his uncle, Scar killed his father. When Simbagrew up, he came back to the forest and became the true King.What you think of the movie/star?It was fantastic.3. Ss try to think about their favorite movies. Write notes for their own movie review.4. Choose 4 students to read their movie review.V .HomeworkWrite your movie review using the notes in 3b.板书设计:Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B 2 3a-Self CheckWhat do you think of.?= How do you like.?3b: example: The Lion King cartoonSimba s father was the king. But his uncle, Scar killed his father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and became the true King.It was fantastic.3c: one possible version:The Lion King is a cartoon movie. It s the most popular English movie in the world.The movie is about a young lion, Simba. He was the prince of the forest. But his uncle Scar wanted to be the ki ng. So he killed Simba s father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and had a big fight with his uncle. At last, Simba won and became the true king.
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