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2013-2014学年第二学期六年级英语过程评价题(A)一、单项选择 (20分) ( )1.Thats a hamburger, it _ good. A. look B. looks C. looking ( ) 2. _is it? Its five dollars. A. How much B. How many C. How long ( ) 3. Look! Its going to _ soon. A. be rain B. rain C. rains ( ) 4. Lets _ under that tree. A. going B. go C. goes ( ) 5. Can you help_? A. I B. my C. me ( ) 6.We are looking _some ducks. A. in B. out of C. at ( ) 7. She _ basketball tomorrow. A. plays B. is going to play C. is playing ( ) 8. Im watching TV happily, _ my mother is calling me. A. and B. but C. for ( ) 9. The women is talking _ the phone. A. to B. on C. at ( ) 10. Its going to _in Hainan tomorrow. A. sunny B. sun C. be sunny 二、选择配伍(共20分,每小题2分)把相应答语的标号,填在题前括号内。 ( ) 1.When are we going to eat for lunch? A. No, it isnt. ( ) 2. What time is it? B. Its ten yuan. ( ) 3 What are we going to do now? C. Its sunny. ( ) 4.Where are we going to go then? D. We are going to have a picnic. ( ) 5 Whats the weather like today? E. At half past twelve. ( ) 6.What do you want to eat? F. Its eleven oclock. ( ) 7. How much is it? G. We are going to go to a park. ( ) 8.Can I help you? H. A hot dog, please. ( ) 9. Is it really a dog? I. No, thanks. ( ) 10. What do you want to drink? J. I want a cup of tea.三、 补全对话。(15) A. Who comes with you? B. What are they doing? C. Glad to see you here.D. What do you want to do? E. What are you doing here?Tom goes to the sports centre with his family. Then he meets Mike.-Hello, Mike._-Me, too.-_-Im playing football with my friends. What about you?_-All my family members.-Oh, where are they? _-My sister is playing table tennis with her friends.-And where is your mum?-She is running on the playground. And my father is playing basketball.-_-I want to play football.-Great! Come and join us. -All right.四、单词拼写。(每小题2分,共20分) 1. I think its (错误). 2. He is playing the_(小号 ), but the phone is ringing. 3._(享用)your meal. 4. Its thirty_(美元) and seventy-five cents. 5. These ducks are_(吵闹). 6 . I want three_(可乐). 7. What a _(混乱)!8. The sun is_(照耀).9. The balloons are _ away(飞走).10. Im looking at the_(门铃).五、连词成句(15分包括书写)1. are, going to, go to, when, we, park, the, (?)- 2. a, have, we, going to, picnic, are, park, in, the (.)-3. making, Im, birthday, Damings, card(.)-4. is ,homework, she ,do ,her, going ,to(.)-5. is, really, dog, it, a (?)-六、阅读理解(10分) My name is Tim. Now it is six in the afternoon. What are we doing? Let me tell you. My father is writing an email in this bedroom. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. What am I doing? I am drawing a picture. I want to use a black crayon (蜡笔). But I cant find it. I ask my brother, John. John is sitting at the piano. Bu
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