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跨文化交际与第二语言学习中的困惑和焦虑 摘要现代科技的迅速开展和世界经济的高度全球化使得跨文化交际成为当今时代的突出特征。本文那么针对跨文化交际中不可防止的困惑和焦虑问题进行研究。文章视第二语言学习为跨文化交际的一种具体形式,鉴于“困惑和“焦虑的传播学理论尚未广泛应用于第二语言教学的研究中这一现象,在 Berger“减少不确定性理论和 Gudykunst“焦虑/不确定性协调理论等传播学理论根底上,对语言交际中的“不确定性即“困惑和“焦虑进行探索,并深入研究第二语言学习中的“困惑和“焦虑问题。本文从语言学和跨文化交际学的角度出发,分析了跨文化交际和第二语言学习中关于困惑和焦虑的三个理论问题,即语用推理,文化假设,困惑和焦虑程度问题。同时,本文在实证研究(问卷调查及访谈)的根底上分析了这三个问题在跨文化交流和第二语言学习中的具体表现。通过理论分析和实证研究,本文认为第二语言能力,对异文化和语言的期望以及群体差距是产生不同程度困惑和焦虑的原因,尤其是第二语言能力包括语法能力和交际语言能力严重影响交际者与二语学习者的语用推理能力和文化理解能力,从而成为困惑和焦虑产生的关键因素。因此,跨文化交流人员以及第二语言学习者必须不断扩展语言文化知识,增强信号敏感度以及交流、学习的欲望,提高自己的异文化适应技能。第二语言教学人员也应该给予困惑和焦虑足够的重视,必要时帮助学生控制和减少困惑和焦虑。 关键词:困惑,焦虑,跨文化交际,第二语言学习8Table of ContentsIntroduction.1 Chapter 1 Literature Review4 1.1 Culture and Communication.4 1.1.1 Relationship Between Culture and Communication.4 1.1.2 Intercultural Communication and Second Language Learning.7 1.1.3 Intercultural Problems: Uncertainty and Anxiety.7 1.2 Previous Researches.9 1.2.1 Uncertainty Reduction Theory URT of Charles Berger9 1.2.2 Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory AUM of William Gudykunst101. 3 Comments12 Chapter 2 Problems Arising from Uncertainty and Anxiety.132.1 Pragmatic Inferences13 2.1.1 Conversational Implicatures14 2.1.2 Presupposition.172.2 Cultural Assumptions20 2.2.1 Individualism/Collectivism Dimension.21 2.2.2 Uncertainty Avoidance23 2.2.3High-and Low-Context Cultural Patterns.252.3 Degrees of Uncertainty and Anxiety28 2.3.1 Predisposition.28 2.3.2 Group Distance31 Chapter 3 Diagnoses of Uncertainty and Anxiety in Intercultural Communication and Second Language Learning.33 3.1 Research Subjects339 3.2 Instruments33 3.2.1 Questionnaire.33 3.2.2 Interview.343.3 Findings34 3.3.1 Uncertainty and Anxiety Arising fromSecond Language Competence.34 3.3.2 Uncertainty and Anxiety Arising from Expectations.41 3.3.3 Uncertainty and Anxiety Arising from Group Distance.433.4 Limitations44 Chapter 4 Implications for Intercultural Communicationand Second Language Learning.46 4.1 Implications for Communicators and Second Language Learners.46 4.2 Implications for Second Language Teachers and Administrators.49 4.3 Suggestions for Further Research.50 Bibliography52 Appendix A .56 Appendix B.59 Appendix C.6110List of FiguresFigure 1 Cultural Influence on Communication7 Figure 2 Individualism.22 Figure 3 Uncertainty Avoidance24List of TablesTable 1 Uncertainty & Avoidance Levels of Students with Different Second Language Competence SLC35 Table 2 Uncertainty & Anxiety Caused by Grammatical Competence & Communicative Competence.37 Table 3 Uncertainty & Anxiety Caused by Grammatical Competence38 Table 4 Uncertainty & Anxiety Caused by Pragmatic Inferences39 Table 5 Uncertainty & Anxiety Caused by Cultural Assumptions40 Table 6 Uncertainty & Anxiety Levels of Students with Positive Expectation &Negative Expectation.41 11IntroductionWith the rapid progress of global economy and the frequent contacts of people, intercultural communication has become commonplace and inevitable. Intercultural communication, more often than not, involves relatively greater degrees of uncertainty, due to the difficulty in predicting responses in an intercultural context. We experience uncertainty with regard to the strangers attitudes, feelings and beliefs. We are also uncertain of how to explain the strangers behavior. Uncertainty triggers anxietyMotivation to reduce the uncertainty and anxiety is more acute when they block the communication or when we expect to have further interactions with the stranger. So uncertainty and anxiety play a key role in the proceeding of cross-cultural communication. Moreover, uncertainty and anxiety exert an important influence on second language learning and teaching. Thus, the study on uncertainty and anxiety in intercultural communication has drawn considerable attention both in communication field and second language teachingCharles Berger puts forward Uncertainty Reduction Theory URT in 1975, which centers on initial encounters of strangers. This theory is soon mov
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