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GRE作文机经高效率提分用法指点GRE作文机经高效率提分用法指点 学会方法冲上4分不是梦GRE作文机经构成形式介绍GRE作文机经如何使用?1. 备考时间较为充足的考生对备考时间充足的考生来说,GRE作文机经使用方法其实是相当简单粗暴的,那就是尽可能多的练题目,理论上机经中包含的每道作文题目都练习一遍自己动笔写一下文章自然是最好的。当然这会花费相当多的时间,哪怕是备考时间充足的考生可能也会觉得力不从心。那么大家也可以考虑更简便一些的方法,那就是不练整篇作文,而是以练习列提纲的方式来提升备考效率。每篇文章都主动考虑一下自己会怎么写,然后ISSUE列出论点,ARGUMENT列出反驳的逻辑破绽,总之尽量列出一个相对完好的写作思路提纲。这种方式虽然比不上完好动笔写文章的训练方式,却也能帮助大家理清各类作文题目的写作思路,做到对所有题目心中有数。另外,备考时间充足的考生还可以考虑多找一些范文来进展参考,毕竟GRE考试的官方作文题库已经公开多年,许多题目其实都是能找到高分甚至总分值范文的,大家对照着机经中的题目把优秀的范文找来参考学习一下,虽然会花费不少时间,但也是相当有效的提升作文程度和得分的学习方式。2. 备考时间相对紧张的同学在整理出少量的高频作文题目后,接下来的做法和上一类考生相似,也是按照先找范文然后练笔的方式来训练,假设备考时间实在紧张大家就跳过练笔直接使用列提纲的方式来学习好了。另外要注意一点的是多补充写作中需要的案例素材,最好根据题目进展准备。这样不仅能让文章的阐述根本逻辑思路框架上不出问题,也可以提升文章的详细内容和阐述的说服力。GRE作文总分值词汇盘点可以able capable, in a(ny) position一直all the time continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually许多地a lot noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially许多的a lot of many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc),an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc.)总是always invariably数量amount quantity结果as a result consequently本质上basically essentially, in essence, substantially组成be, amount to constitute下降bee smaller be on the decline, be on the decrease, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, recede 等等变糟糕bee worse deteriorate在 之前before prior to开始begin mence更好better superior习惯于be(e) used to be accustomed to严重的,重大的big major, significant, substantial执行carry out conduct, execute, mit, implement更改change alter, alteration, modify, modification办理,执行do conduct, transact(business)未能do not fail to, omit toGRE写作总分值作品一例题目:“Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little.”学生们在记忆知识的时候应该先学习有助于解释那些知识的理念、潮流和概念。仅仅死学知识的学生是学不到什么东西的。正文:The speaker makes a threshold claim that students who learn only facts learn very little, then concludes that students should always learn about concepts, ideas, and trends before they memorize facts. While I wholeheartedly agree with the threshold claim, the conclusion unfairly generalizes about the learning process. In fact, following the speakers advice would actually impede the learning of concepts and ideas, as well as impeding the development of insightfuland useful new ones.Turning first to the speakers threshold claim, I strongly agree that if we learn only facts we learn very little. Consider the task of memorizing the periodic table of elements, which any student can memorize without any knowledge of chemistry, or that the table relates to chemistry. Rote memorization of the table amounts to a bit of mental exercise-an opportunity to practice memorization techniques and perhaps learn some new ones. Otherwise, the student has learned very little about chemical elements, or about anything for that matter.As for the speakers ultimate claim, I concede that postponing the memorization of facts until after one learns ideas and concepts holds certain advantages. With a conceptual framework already in place a student is better able to understand the meaning of a fact, and to appreciate its significance. As a result, the student is more likely to memorize the fact to begin with, and less likely to forget it as time passes. Moreover, in my observation students whose first goal is to memorize facts tend to stop there-for whatever reason. It seems that by focusing on facts first students risk equating the learning process with the assimilation of trivia; in turn, students risk learning nothing of much use in solving real world problems.Conceding that students must learn ideas and concepts, as well as facts relating to them, in order to learning anything meaningful, I nevertheless disagree that the former should always precede the latter-for three reasons. In the first place, I see know reason why memorizing a fact cannot precede learning about its meaning and significance-as long as the student does not stop at rote memorization. Consider once again our hypothetical chemistry student. The speaker might advise this student to first learn about the historical trends leading to the discovery of the elements, or to learn about the concepts of altering chemical pounds to achieve certain reactions-before studying the periodic table. Having no familiarity with the basic vocabulary of chemistry, which includes the information in the periodic table, this student would e away from the first two lessons bewildered and confused in other words, having learned little.In the second place, the speaker misunderstands the process by which we learn ideas and concepts, and by which we develop new ones. Consider, for exle, how economics students learn about the relationship between supply and demand, and the resulting concept of market equilibrium, and of surplus and
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