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设计总说明随着我国的国民经济持续快速的发展,一些能源消耗呈现快速增长的势头,使总能源需求明显扩大、价格也不断上升,局部地区出现了能源供应紧张情况。如今我国也已经成为煤炭世界第一消费大国,是继美国之后的第二石油和电力消费大国,但我国石油储量仅是世界的2%。随着我国经济的快速持续发展,对能源的需求量也呈逐年递增的趋势,所以面临能源供应的压力也在不断增加。在这种形势下,加大沼气等生物能源的开发利用已经成为缓解我国的能源供应压力的一个重要途径。沼气作为可再生清洁能源,既可以替代秸秆、薪柴等传统生物质能源,也可替代煤炭等商品能源,而且能源效率明显高于秸秆、薪柴、煤炭等。发展沼气目前是我国能源战略的重要组成部分,对增加优质能源供应、缓解国家能源压力具有重大的现实意义。沼气是有机物质在厌氧的环境下,在一定的温度、湿度、酸碱度条件下,通过微生物的发酵作用,产生的一种可燃性气体。本次设计中以500头奶牛牛粪作为沼气发酵原料,重点对沼气发酵池,即UASB反应器做重要设计,其中主要包括布水装置、三相分离器结构设计,从环保循环利用的方面考虑,需对生成的沼气进行进一步处理,如脱水、脱硫处理等。还有对从UASB反应器流出的沼液以及沼渣经过简易的曝气池、沉淀池处理,防止造成污染,另一方面可利用最终沼渣、沼液作为农肥,其具有营养成分多样性及均衡性、增强土壤肥力、环保性等优点。最后还对各处理单元的结构、平面布置和高程布置进行了设计。采用AutoCAD绘图工具进行工程图纸的绘制,以及对主要流程平面图进行绘制。本次设计的目的是为了了解沼气技术的原理以及过程,实现以牛粪作为沼气发酵原料生产沼气,同时缓解我国能源供应压力。通过此次设计巩固所学的专业理论知识,掌握厌氧装置的设计、污水处理工艺及各个构筑物的设计技术,熟练设计过程和规范要求,从而为将来的实际工程的应用打下坚实的基础。关键词:沼气发酵;沼气净化;UASB反应器;环保Design InstructionWith the continued rapid growth of our national economy, some of the energy consumption of industry shows rapid growth, significantly expanding the total energy using price is rising in some areas of the energy supply situation. Now China has become the worlds largest consumer of coal country, the second after the United States oil and electricity consumer, but China is the worlds oil reserves, only 2%. With Chinas sustained and rapid economic development, energy demand also showed an increasing trend year by year, so pressure is also facing increasing energy supply. Under such circumstances, increased methane development and utilization of biomass energy has become a relieve the pressure of Chinas energy supply is an important way.Biogas as a renewable clean energy, can replace straw, firewood and other traditional biomass energy, it can replace coal and other energy commodities, and energy efficient than straw, firewood and coal. Chinas energy strategy for the development of biogas is an important component of the increase the quality of energy supply and ease pressure on the national energy of great practical significance. Biogas is organic matter in the anaerobic environment, in a certain temperature, humidity, pH conditions, by microbial fermentation to produce a combustible gas.The design of a 500 cow dung as the methane fermentation of raw materials, focusing on the methane fermentation tank, that is important to do UASB reactor design, which includes water distribution installations, three-phase separator design, from environmental considerations recycling required to generate biogas for further processing, such as dehydration, desulfurizing process. UASB reactor also flow from the slurry and biogas residue through simple aeration tank, settling tank treatment, prevention of pollution, on the other hand can use the final residue, biogas slurry as agricultural fertilizer, which has a diversity and nutrition balance, enhance soil fertility, environmental protection and so on. Finally, the structure of each processing unit, layout and elevation layout of the design. AutoCAD drawing using the drawing tools to engineering drawings, and plans to draw on the key processes.The purpose of this design is to understand the principle and process of biogas technology, the realization of cow dung used as raw materials to produce methane biogas, while alleviating pressure on Chinas energy supply. Designed to consolidate what they have learned through the professional theoretical knowledge and master the design of the anaerobic plant, sewage treatment process and the various structures of the design technology, skilled design process and regulatory requirements, and thus for the future application of practical engineering and lay a solid foundation.显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典Key words:Gas Ferment ;Gas Purification ;UASB reactor ;Environmental目 录设计总说明IDesign InstructionII目 录IV1 前 言11.1沼气技术发展现状11.1.1我国沼气技术发展历程11.1.2国外沼气技术进展11.2沼气技术在促进社会发展中的作用21.2.1缓解我国化石能源供应压力21.2.2改善农民生活环境及卫生条件21.2.3控制局部地区环境污染21.2.4促进农业生态环境的改善31.2.5促进新农村建设32沼气工程基础设计分析42.1沼气的基本知识42.1.1沼气的发酵原理42.1.2沼气的主要成分42.1.3沼气的性质42.2沼气发酵原料52.3沼气发酵原料预处理53沼气池的设计计算63.1基本参数的确定63.1.1总设计流程63.1.2设计参数63.2 UASB反应器基础设计73.2.1基本参数73.2.2 UASB反应器结构简介93.3 UASB反应器的设计计算123.3.1设计参数123.3.2 UASB反应器容积及主要工艺尺寸的确定133.3.3 UASB反应器排泥系统设计计算183.3.4 UASB反应器产气量设计计算184 沼气的净化设计194.1沼气脱水工艺194.2沼气脱硫工艺及装置195沼渣处理工艺225.1沼渣处理工艺流程图225.2曝气池简易设计225.3二沉池225.4农肥利用236管道设计计算247 总体布局257.1平面布置257.1.1沼气布线的管道规则257.1.2附属建筑物257.2高程布置268 沼气工程技术经济评价278.1工程投资估算278.2运行成本估算27结 论28参 考 文 献29致 谢311 前 言1.1沼气技术发展现状1.1.1我国沼气技术发展历程沼气在我国应用已有一个多世纪的历史,其发展历程大体上可以分为四个阶段,即:20世纪30年代、50年代、70年代、80年代至今1。我国真正意义上沼气的研究和推广始于20世纪30年代,更深层次的认识和更大范围应用始于20世纪80年代,我国于1982 年建成的成都凤凰山畜牧园艺场沼气工程是我国最早的农场大型沼气工程2 ,该工程由农业部沼气科学研究所设计。工程日处理1000 头奶牛粪污,装置总容积4 300 m3 隧道式,中温发酵,平均池容产气率0. 765 m3m- 3d - 1 。我国沼气的发展主要有以下几个特点:(1)有可靠的技术保障,农业部组织成立了专门的研究机构,1980年组织成立了中国沼气学会,经过广大的科技工作者的努力,在沼气发酵微生物学原理和沼气发酵工艺方面取得了重要进
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