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-冀教版七年级英语(下)习题精选Lesson 1-4 习题精选一根底卷. 词汇(A) 根据句意填入适当单词,使句子完整通顺。1. Shenzhen is from Beijing.2. There are three si*ty- five in a year.3. A bicycle is than a bus.4. Its about 8,000from here.5. My son and I are on a trip to Dali.(B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Letgo first; (they)7. I likea bus to. school. (take)8. A plane isthan a train. (fast)9. Our school has two students. (thousand) 10.a lot for your help. (thank). 将以下句子改为同义句21. Ii Ming often goes to school by bus.Li Ming often bus to go to school.22. A train is faster than a bus.A bus is a train.23. Jenny goes shijiazhuang in the afternoon.Jenny shijiazhuang in the afternoon.24. My little brother is very young . He cant go to school.My little brother is young go to school .25. Dalian is not near shijiazhuang.Dalian is shijiazhuang. 从下面的选项中选出三项补全对话A: hello, Li Ming. We are going on a trip to the Summer Palace tomorrow.B: 26 .A: Sure.B: When do we leaveA: 27 .B: Is it near hereA: 28 Lets go there by bicycle. B: Ok. See you tomorrow.A: See you. A: No, it isnt.B: May I go with youC: Its about 3,000 kilometers D: At seven in the morning.E: On Sunday. 根据所给汉语完成以下句子。29. 他年龄太大没法去上班。30. 他们今天离开渥太华去堪培拉。31.从到有多远?32. 这些书多少钱?33. 这件大衣比那件新。答案:.1. far 2. hundred 3. slower 4. kilometers 5. going 6. them 7. taking 8. faster 9. thousand 10. Thanks . 21. takes a 22. slower than 23. leaves for 24. too; to 25. far from . 26-28 BDA . 29. He is too old to go to work. 30. They leave Ottawa for Canberra today. 31. How far is h from Nanjing to Beijing 32. How much are these books 33. This coat is newer than that one.Lesson 1-4 习题精选二提高卷. Tom 今年去了一趟泰国。先通读短文,然后完形填空,看看Tom 在泰国看到了什么。I go on a trip to Thailand泰国with my parents this year, because there are lots of elephants there, and my favorite animal is the elephant.I like elephants very1. Elephants are 2 than other living animals on land(陆地). We can sit on their backs(背). Its very cool. Elephants can eat a lot of 3in a day. My father tells me elephants can live 60 to 70 4. They can 5 walk in the mud (你). Elephants are big but they can go quickly. We know elephants have large ears. And elephants grow large 6 .We call them tusks.1. A. much B. many C. more D. most2. A. big B. bigger C. more big D. much big3. A. meat B. water C. animal D. grass4. A, months B. days C: weeks D. years 5. A. easy B. easier C. easily D. easiest6. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths .阅读短文,判断正T误F Where would you like to go during your holiday(假期) Many people like to go to Japan (日本)This month about 10,000 Chinese go on trips to Japan. Why do Chinese like going on trips to Japan Because the trips to the country are cheaper. Japans many scenic spots lie near. (日本大局部风景区很集中) They can go to a lot of scenic spots in a short time. And some Chinese like Japanese food. They say, Japanese food is more delicious than Western food. Some people say, there are many Chinese Words in Japanese. It is easier on trips to Japan.( ) 7. All Chinese like to go to Japan because they dont need much money to go there.( ) 8. Japanese say Japanese food is more delicious than Western food.( ) 9. It is easier for some Chinese to travel旅行in Japan because there are many Chinese words in Japanese.答案:. ABDDCC. FFTLesson 5-8 习题精选一一、词汇。A据句意及所给汉语写出正确的单词。1. Danny, have a good(旅行) !2. A car is(快) than a bike.3. Its(星期三) today.4. Li Ming is(动身) for Beijing tomorrow.5. How many(票)do you need二、单项选择1. Baoflmg isHong Kong.A. far away B. far from C. far with D. near2. We can go to Shijiazhuang by train.is itAbout twenty-five yuan.A. How far B. How many C. How much D. How long3. Our English teacher often plays games withA. Jenny and I B. me and JennyC. I and Jenny D. Jenny and me4. I want to invite Danny basketball together.A. plays B. to play C. playing D. play.5.do you go to school every dayAt seven in there morning.A. When B. Which time C. How D. How much6. Danny and Jenny will leaveCanada and arriveChina tomorrow.A. in, in B. for, at C. for, in D. /, in7. Do you pack your suitcaseyourA. in, books B. on, toys C. with, clothes D. at, clothes.8. -Have a good trip!A. Thank you B. Youre weleC. Have a good trip, too D. Yes, please9.is the first day of the week.A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Friday 10. Letshard at English. A. to work B. Works C. working D. work11. I Have a look at your ticket? Yes, please13. There are threestudents in our school.A. thousands B. thousands ofC. thousand D. thousand of14. Pleasejump on the train now. Its dangerous.A. not B. not to C. dont D. no15. When it rains, Ia ta*i to school.A. by
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