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让爱人心醉的英语“甜言蜜语”1) You look more beautiful every time I see you.每次见到你,你都更漂亮。2) I love you with all my heart.我全心全意爱你.3) I love you for you.我真心爱你.(简单吧!当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是其他如钱财、权势等,就可以这样说。)4) For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.我也喜欢你啊,就像你喜欢我一样。5) My love for you is as deep as the sea.对你的爱,似海深。6) Ill love you as long as I live.爱你一辈子。7) If the sun were to rise in the west, Id never change my mind to love you forever.即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也不会改变。8) Youre the only man/woman I could be happy with.只有和你在一起我才感到快乐。(这句话是不是太夸张?)9) Im so happy with you in this starry night.在这繁星闪烁的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快乐。10)I love stars, and youre as beautiful as a star.我喜欢星星,你就像星星般美丽。11) If you go away, Ill be blue. Ill miss you when you leave.如果你走了,我会很沮丧。你离开,我会很想念。12) That reminds me too much of you.这让我很想你。(并不一定要用think、miss等单词哦。)13) Im singing a torch song for her.我单恋她。(因失恋/单恋而唱的歌就是torch song。)14) Im sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon.我要送你最喜欢的红玫瑰,让你欣赏。15) Will you accept me? I wanna share my life with you.你愿意接受我吗?我想永远和你在一起。16) I have/ will never stop loving you, not one second!我对你的爱一秒钟也没有停止过。
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