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2022年沪教版五年级英语下学期连词成句同步专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. both, like, my, reading, parents, (.)2. Chinese strict is our teacher (.)3. I, Britain, from, am (.)4. some under the I find erasers sofa (.)5. friend, can, my, who, be, (?)6. play, and, playground, lets, in, football, go, the (.)7. favourite onions my are food (.)8. the US / trip / ready / to / your / for / are / (?)9. I, maths, and, music, English, have (, / .)10. had, we, party, a, birthday, yesterday (.)11. visited, we, places, lots of, in Shanghai (.)12. some, I, like, would, tea (.)13. these, Sophies, books, are (?)14. am, hungry, I (.)15. favouriteHerismilkdrink (.)16. many, how, times, in, a, minute, can, jump, you, (?)17. classroom, the second, is, floor, on, our (.)18. would, to, like, you, what, drink (?)19. come, they, from, Russia, (.)20. have, teacher, I , art, new, a (.)21. about you what (?)22. lets look and go have a (.)23. There, many, are, pandas, the, in, mountain, (.)24. are lots flowers it there of in (.)25. necklace, Juliet, a, got, has (.)26. on, some, the, there, grapes, pests, are (.)27. many,There,houses,my,are,in,village.28. right are you (.)29. are, two, there, spoons, the, in, cup (.)30. have noodles beef today We (.)31. he, have, friends, does, many, (?)32. me, give, dollars, first, the, hundred (.)33. shopping, the, day, we, went, fourth, (.)页码 / 总页数
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