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英语预习指导(先完成课文预习的相应练习再进行课文跟读,读至熟练)指导一:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn (第四页)1、我们在三年级学了几个关于交通工具的单词,先读一读这些单词,再写出相应的中文。boat ( )car ( ) plane ( ) bus ( ) bike ( )taxi ( ) jeep ( )2、乘公共汽车用英文表达_, 步行是用脚foot,那么应该是by foot还是on foot? _ 为什么?_train 和subway的主要区别在哪里?_3、人在囧途:How do Li Chenggong and Niu Geng go to Changsha? They go by 飞机( ),by 火车( ),by 公共汽车( ),by 拖拉机( tractor ),by 公共汽车( ),by 渡船( ferry ),by 面包车( van ),by 小货车 ( truck ). At last最后,they get to Changsha.4、你去哪些地方旅游过?是乘坐什么交通方式去的?请想一想,填一填。Where do you go on your holiday? I go to _.How do you go there? I go _. 指导二:Date: _ Title: A. Lets talk (第五页)1、读一读并写出中文,并且按顺序标好序号。 often ( ) usually ( ) sometimes ( ) always 总是,一直2、想一想,填一填。My home is _ (near/ far). I _ (always/ usually) go to school _. Sometimes I go _.指导三:Date: _ Title: A. Lets read (第6页)1、猜猜这些是什么地方?(有些可以从课本对话中找一找。)a. students, teachers ( ) b. flowers, trees, children play( ) c. people get on/ off the bus ( ) d. letters (信件) ( )2、读课文,在下图上画出Zhang Peng 和Sarah去的路线图,以及每一段路线所使用的交通工具。其中5= No.5 bus 3、不看课文,根据以上画出的路线图,填一填。Zhang Peng and Sarah go to the _.First(首先),_ goes to _s home. Next(接着), they can go to _.Then(然后), they go to_. At last(最后), they are in the park.4、阅读短文,回答问题。(可以简单回答,从对话中找到关键词。)a.How do they go to the bus stop? _b. Which floor is Zhang Pengs home? Which room? _c. What time do they meet (见面) ? _5、假设:你和你的朋友一起去萧山,你们在学校里碰头,想一想你们的路线。 _and I go to Xiaoshan this weekend. First, I go to school _. He/She goes to school_. Next we go to the bus stop _. Then we go to Xiaoshan _. At last, we can play in Xiaoshan. 指导四:Date: _ Title: B. Lets learn (第7页) 1、考考你:你对我国的交通灯和交通规则了解多少? a. 交通灯有几盏?( )b. 交通灯有哪几种颜色?请你用彩色笔按顺序画出来。 颜色对应的英文单词是什么? _ _ _ c. 交通灯分别对应的交通规则是什么?(中文)_2、你能读懂路上的交通标志吗?完成第12页上看一看,选一选。 3、想一想,根据常识和课本内容填一填,每空一词:Look! Three eyes are watching us. Red, yellow and green. They are _ _ .Why do they have three colours? Because there are _ _. What should you do? _at a green light._at a yellow light. _ at a red light.指导五:Date: _ Title: B. Lets talk (第8页)1、你知道这些单词表示公共场所中的什么地方吗?从词汇表中找一找。post office ( ) library ( )hospital ( )bank( )bookstore( ) cinema ( ) fast food shop ( )supermarket( )2、仔细观察第8页对话下面的图片:The boy is at school. He wants to go to Zhongshan Park. How can he go? He can go _(理由是:_)3、注意Zhongshan Park 和by the No.15 bus.的书写,自己抄写一遍,想一想要注意的地方。_4、读一读,完成对话。A: Excuse me. _ get to Xiaoshan?B: Let me see. You can go there _ (738/728/737 公交车).A: Can I go by bike? B: Oh, you cant. Its very far.指导六:Date: _ Title: B. Lets read / C. Pronunciation(第9页,第11页)1、 读一读,填一填。In China, there are _(three/ four/ five) traffic lights. They are _, _ and _. Red means (意思是) _. _ means wait.Green means _. We must know the traffic _.2、 看一看,选一选,填一填。仔细观察P9页上的图片,第一幅图行人和司机是靠路的_行进,第二幅图行人和司机是靠路的_行进(左left/ 右right),第一幅图表示的国家是_ 和_,第一幅图表示的国家是_ 和_(US/ England/ Australia/China),所以可以得出的结论是国家间交通文化有所不同:中美靠_行,英澳靠_行(左/右)。3、完成第9页短文下面的判断题。4、读一读,判断画线部分的读音是否相同,对的打勾,错的打叉。a. meat read ( ) b.teacher sea ( ) c.leaf sweater ( ) d. kite pig ( ) e.if sit ( ) f.thin bike ( )指导七:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn/Lets talk(第16,17页)1、我们五年级学过一些表示物体位置的方位词,读一读并写出中文。in ( ) on( ) under( ) near ( ) behind ( )over( ) in front of ( ) left ( ) right ( )2、猜一猜,这些是什么地方?(可以借助词汇表的帮助)a. see a doctor , dont feel well(
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