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七年级英语第一学期第二次月考试题温馨提示:请将答案很认真地写在答题卡上,试卷自己保留!.单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. ?I have a headache.A. How do you do B. What do you do C. Whats wrong with you D. How do you like it( ) 2. Tom speaks English. _ Jane _ English, too?A. Do; speaks B. Does; speak C. Do; speak D. Does; speaks( ) 3 He very happy today ,because (因为)he found his lost book.A. is feel B. feels C.feel D. feeling( ) 4. Would you like _ juice, please? No, thanks. I dont like _.A. any; itB. some; itC. any; them D. some; them( ) 5.What does he ?He has short and yellow hair.A. look B. like C. is likeD. look like( )6. They have eggs and apples _ breakfast. A. with B. and C. for D to( ) 7. What does he _ in the letter?A. says B. say C. speakD. tell( ) 8. _ does he work?He works in a hospital.A. WhatB. How C. Who D. Where( ) 9. Your mothers brother is your _.A. aunt B. uncle C. brother D. grandfather( ) 10. Why not _ some milk?A. eat B. drinkC. to eat D. to drink( ) 11. Its time to bed now. A. for go . B.go.C. to go. D. go to.( ) 12.He doesnt like apples _.A. very B. much C. at all D. little( ) 13. Wed like _.A. eat somethingB. drink somethingC. something eatD. something to eat( )14.-Would you like a cup of tea? - A. No,I couldntB.Yes,pleaseC. Id love toD.No,please( ) 15. - is the pencil box? -Ten yuan A. How B. How many C. How tall D. How much.完形填空。(10分)Everyone has a body. Every parts of the body is useful(有用的).We see with 16 .We eat with17 , We hear with our 18 We smell (闻)with our 19 . We20 with our feet. Is 21 useful?. Yes. It can keep our heads 22 .on cold days like a hat .It can keep our heads cool on 23 days like a hat,.too Noses are also useful .Noses can clean 24 warm upthe air that goes into body .We must look after our 25 to keep us healthy. ( )16. A.earB.eye C. eyes D. parents( )17. A.mouthsB. mouthC. mouthes D. nose( )18. A.ear B.eyes C.ears D. eares( )19. A. mouthB.nosesC. noseD.mouths( )20. A. walkB. walksC. sing D. sings( )21. A. headB.hand C. hairD.hairs( )22. A.cool B. hot C. warmr D. cold( )23. A.coldB. warm C. cool D.hot( )24. A.and B. or C.but D.for( )25. A. bodies B. body C. bodys D. head. 阅读理解。(20分)(A)People in different countries like different foods. People in Japan like to eat fish, but they often dont cook it. In Italy(意大利), people like to eat pizza(比萨饼). In India(印度), people like hot(辣的) food. Some Chinese like hot food, too. For example(例如), in Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan, people like hot food very much. But in Guangdong, people like sweet(甜的) food. In the U. S. A., fast food is very popular. You can see people eating fish, chips(土豆条), hot dogs(热狗) and hamburgers here and there(到处).根据短文内容,判断正(A)误(B)。( )26. People in Japan like to eat and cook fish.( )27. People in India like hot food.( )28. Chinese like to eat hot food, too.( )29. In America fast food is not popular.( )30. People in the U.S.A. like to eat fast food. (B)Whats the most important(最重要的) part of the body? A fiveyearold girl says“Its my mouth.I can eat much good food with my mouth.”A student says“I think eyes are the most important.We cant see anything without (没有)them.” “They are ears.Sound (声音)is very important to me.”, a deaf(聋) boy says .Jim, an English boy ,says“I want to be a longrunner(长跑运动员), So I think legs are very important.” A mother shakes her head and says ,“My dear .the most important is your shoulder .Because it can hold(支撑) the head of a friend when he is sad .In life(生活中)everyone needs a shoulder to live on.” Then I know the most important bodys part is the heart ,A heart can heip everyone.( )31.The fiveyearold girl thinks the is the most important part of the body.A.eye B. ear C. head D. mouth. ( )32 Jim is from A. China B.Canada C. England D. Astralia( )33.The students can see everything with .A.eyes B.ears C. legs D. h
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