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工商管理121中美结合培养双学位实验班培养方案工商管理 1 121 中美结合培养双学位实验班培养方案 Business Administration 121 Bachelor Double Degree Education Syllabus一、培养目的经济管理专业培养具有管理、经济、法律及企业战略规划、形象设计、消费运作、物流规划与供给链管理等专业知识和才能,能在企、事业单位及政府部门从事相关规划与经营管理工作,并独立从事教学与科研活动,适应社会市场经济开展的,特别能吃苦、适应、创新和竞争并擅长沟通、亲和力强的应用性、专业性高级工商管理人才。The program of Business Administration aims at nurturing advanced talents with hardworking, adaptable, creative, petitive and municative abilities as well as profound knowledge of management, economics, law, corporate strategy planning, corporate imagine design, manufacturing operation, logistics planning and supply chain management, who will be able to engage in planning and management in enterprises, state-owned organizations and governments, and will be able to conduct teaching as well as research activities and meet the development of socialist market economy.二、才能框架Framework petencies核心才能 Core petencies l 国际战略目光 International Strategic Vision l 国际政策和商务规那么意识 International policy and business rule awarenessl 国际商务管理才能 International business managementl 组织政策开发才能 Organizational Policy Developmentl 企业管理才能 Entrepreneurial Managementl 跨文化适应才能 Intercultural adaptability l 金融实务操作才能 Financial practice operation ability l 财务数据分析p 才能 Financial data analyzing ability l 经济决策和创新才能 Economic decision making and innovation ability 职业前景 Career Prospects能在涉外经济贸易部门、跨国公司、各类企事业单位、政府机构、银行、证券、保险和投资咨询公司等金融机构从事实际商贸业务、市场调研、商务决策、财务管理、工程管理、咨询和金融投资筹划效劳等工作,具有较大的开展空间和良好的就业前景。Be able to work in international mercial trade departments, multinational firms, enterprises and institutions, government organizations, banks, securities panies ,insurance panies and investment consulting panies as professionals of merce, marketing research, business decision making, financial management, project management ,consultation and financial investment planning.The graduates will have a large development space and good employment prospect.三、培养根本规格要求 Learning Outes 学习国际经济、国际商务的根本理论和根底知识;承受经济学、管理学的根本训练,具有理论分析p 和实务操作的根本才能。By learning fundamental theories and knowledge of international economics ; business and pleting the study, students will have strong ability of theoretical analysis and practice-related petencies.1.掌握经济学、国际商务与管理的理论和方法;Demonstrate a clear understanding of theories and methods of Economic, international business and management;2.能运用统计方法进展分析p 和研究;Analyze and research by utilizing statistics method;3.理解主要国家和地区的经济开展状况及其商务政策;Understand current economic situation and business policies of major countries and regional areas;4.理解中国的经济政策和法规;Illustrate Chinese economic policies and regulations;5.理解国际经济学、国际商务与管理理论开展的动态;Identify the development trend of international economy and international business ; management;6.可以纯熟地掌握一门外语,具有听、说、读、写、译的根本才能,能利用计算机从事涉外经济工作。Master a foreign language and have the ability to read, listen, speak, write and translate fluently; be able to use puter in economy-related work.求 四、学制、学位授予及要求 Year of Study, Degree and Requirements 1.四年1+2 +1 形式, 2 年在长江师范学院学习, 2 年在北卡罗来纳大学彭布洛克分校学习4 years full time study1+2 +1 study mode, 2 years study in Yangtze Normal University and another 2 years study in The University of North Carolina at Pembroke2.授予学位:管理学学士长江师范学院、工商管理学士北卡罗来纳大学彭布洛克分校Degree :Bachelor of Management (Yangtze Normal University) ; Bachelor of Business Administration (The University of North Carolina at Pembroke)3.要求:满足两所学校授予学士学位的相关条件Requirements:Should meet pertinent requirements of granting bachelor degree in both universities五 、课程设置及教学进度表 Course outline课程类型 课程 编号 课程名称 课程性质 学时学分各学期周课时分配 考核 方式 转认课程 讲授 实验上机 课程理论 第一学期 第二学期 第三学期 第四学期 第五学期 第六学期 第七学期 第八学期公共根底课英语 阅读English Reading必修604 4考试英语听力English Listening必修604 4考试英语写作English Writing必修 302 2考试英语口语English Speaking必修302 2考试高等数学 / 微积分Advanced Math/Calculus 必修604 4考试 radic;计算机根底E_periments in puter必修 453 3考试 radic;体育Physical Education必修 453 3考试 radic;中国近代史 Modern History of China必修 453 3考试 radic;大学语文Chinese Classic Literature必修453 3考试 radic;英语English必修 30考察艺术鉴赏Art Appreciation必修4533考试 radic;大学物理 College Physics必修4533考试 radic;思想品德修养与法律根底 Moral Ethics and Basics of Law Foundation必修4533考试 radic;政治科学及毛泽东思想概论 Political Science and Introduction to Maoism必修4533考试 radic;哲学及马克思哲学原理 Philosophy and Mar_istrsquo;s Principles必修4533考试 radic;环境科学 Environmental Sciences必修 4533考试 radic;军事课 Military Courses 必修1 1考察 radic;小计7204 47 72818学科根底课微观经济学 Microeconomics必修453 3考试 radic;管理学Management必修 513 3考试宏观经济学 Macroeconomics必修4533考试 radic;经济地理 Economic geography必修3622考试radic;小计177116 65 5合计 897583523转认学分43 20 23课程类型 课程 编号 课程名称 课程性质 学时学分各学期周课时分配 考核 方式 转认课程 讲授 实验上机 课程理论 第一学期 第二学期 第三学期 第四学期 第五学期 第六学期 第七学期 第八学期学 科 专 业 课 :Accounting会计方向 ENG 1050 英语写作 I position I
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