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域城中心小学五年级英语上册Modules 4-5检测试题 班级:- 姓名:- 评价等级:-一、选出不同类的单词 把正确选项字母写在题前括号内:( )1、A.us B.me C. they( )2、A. milk B.soup C.sun( )3、A. cheese B.chocolate C.sweets ( )4、A.wheel B.bottle C.careful ( )5、A. wonderful B.beautiful C. worse二、判断单词划线部分读音是否相同。相同的写(S),不同的写(T): ( )1、A. argue B.car ( )2、A.hers B.teacher( )3、A. yours B.hour ( )4、A.bus B.careful( )5、A.give B.line三、词汇(一)英汉互译 连线: I II 1、on the line A.小心 2、be careful B. 分发 3、too many C. 在班上 4、give out D.太多 5、in the class E.在绳子上(二)补全单词,把正确答案选项前字母写在题前括号内:( )1、w_ _r (A. ea B. ae ) 穿( )2、m_ tt_r (A. a , e B. e , e) 麻烦事 ,困难( )3、en_ _gh (A. uo B. ou) 足够的( )4、cl_ _n (A. ee B.ea) 干净的( )5、ev_ry_ne (A. e , i B. e , o) 每人,人人( )6、m_n _ (A. e , i B. i , e) 我的( )7、wh_se (A.o B. e) 谁的( )8、g_v _ (A.e , r B. i , e) 给( )9、_ _gue (A. ar B. ra) 争吵( )10、c_ _eful (A. ar B. ao) 小心的四、单项选择 把正确答案选项前字母写在题前括号内:( )1.There are _ apples in the bag . A. too many B. many too( )2.Whose bag is this ? _ . A. Its Lingling B. Its hers( )3.Give one pencil _ every child . A. for B. to( )4.I will give _ some toys . A. his B. them( )5.This watch(手表)is _ , please look after(照看好)_ . A. yours B. it五、情景对话 从II栏中找出与I栏相对应答语,将字母序号填在题前括号内:I II( )1、How much cheese do you want ? A.Its Linglings .( )2、Is it your bag ? B.Its a hat .( )3、Whose Tshirt is it ? C. Im shopping .( )4、How many bananas do you wang ? D. They went there by bus .( )5、What are you doing ? E. No, its Amysbag .( )6、Did you wash your coat ? F. Daming and his father did.( )7、Whats this ? G. Half a kilo.( )8、Who went to the Great Wall ? H. I want two bananas.( )9、How did they go ? I. Great !( )10、Lets buy one kilo of noodles . J. Yes , I did .六、阅读短文 将正确答案前字母序号写在题前括号内:Song Liang and Song Ming are brothers . They are Chinese . But they are in England now . They speak English . They are twins . They look the same . Their sweaters look the same , too . They are yellow . They are very nice sweaters . Look at this sweater . Its Song Liangs . It isnt Song Mings . Song Ming cant find his sweater . He thinks his sweater is at home , but its in his backpack(背包).( )1. Song Liang and Song Ming are _ . A. English B. Chinese( )2. Song Liang and Song Ming _ .A. sisters B. twins( )3、They are _ . A. students B. teachers( )4、Song Mings sweater is _ .A. at home B. in Song Mings backpack( )5、Their sweater are _ . A. yellow B. same
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