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期末专题练习It的用法、There be句型教学内容第一部分 It 的用法概说:It是个非常简单的单词,但其用法却很灵活。一、指代作用。It作句子的主语。(一)It指前面已经提到过的人或事物。1. Whats this? Its a chair. 2. Who is it? Its me. 提示:it代替上文提及的原物(复数用they);one指代上文提及的、泛指的可数名词单数(复数ones);that指代上文提及的定指的可数名词单数或不可数名词(复数those)。(二)It指时间、季节。虚义。1. What time is it? Its nine. 2. Its time to go to school. Lets go. 3. What day is today? Its Saturday. 4. What is the date today? It is Oct. 1st. 5. What season is it? It is summer. (三)It指气候。虚义。1. It is cold in this room. 这个房间很冷。2. Whats the weather like today? Its fine. 今天天气怎么样? 天气很好。3. It often snows in winter in Harbin. 哈尔滨的冬天经常下雪。 (四)It指距离、情况等。虚义。1. It is five kilometers from my home to the school. 从我家到学校有五千米。 2. It is very near from this shop to that. 从这个商店到那个商店很近。3. It is a long way to the sea. 这离海很远。 4. Is it well with you? 你身体好吗? 二、It作形式主语。 动词不定式、动名词短语、从句在整个句中起主语作用,而这个部分用词较多,所以用it作为形式主语,放在句首。 (一)It + 谓语 + 动词不定式形主 真主1. It is difficult to climb a mountain. 爬山是很艰难的。正常形式:To climb a mountain is difficult. 2. It is a good habit to do morning exercises. 做早操是个好习惯。3. Its important to study English. 学习英语很重要。(二)It + 谓语 + 动名词短语 形主 真主1. It is dangerous playing with fire. 玩火是危险的。 2. It is no use learning without thinking. 学而不思则罔。3. It is wrong arguing with your parents. 和你的父母吵架是错误的。(三)It + 谓语 + 名词性从句 形主 真主1. It is pity that you didnt see that good film. 你没看到那部好电影真可惜。2. It is said that he will be late today. 据说他今天会来晚。 整理:It is / was difficult (easy, hard, important, useful, possible, a pity, a pleasure) to do sth. 三、It作形式宾语。It作形式宾语,代表其后所说的真正的宾语。1. I find it not so difficult to learn a foreign language. 我发现学习一门外语并不难。 2. I remember I put it in my bag that the book I bought in Beijing. 我记得我把我在北京买的书放在书包里了。四、用于表示强调的句型中。1. It was here that I first met him. 我初次与他见面就在这儿。2. It is English that Jim teaches us every Monday. Jim每个周一教我们学习英语。五、用于某些习语中,虚义。1. Keep at it! 别松劲!干下去!2. Youll catch it! 你可小心点儿! 第二部分 There be 句型概说:There be 结构,也就是我们平时所说的“某地有某物”,表示存有的句型。 一. 肯定句。There be + 主语+地点There are some chairs in your room. 二. 否定句。There be not ( any ,much) + 主语+地点There arent any chairs in your room.三. 一般疑问句。Be 动词提前Is there any chairs in your room? 四. 特殊疑问句。特殊疑问词+一般疑问句What are there in your room? There are some chairs in my room. How many chairs are there in your room? There are six chairs in my room. 五. 热门考点。1. there be 与 have 的区别。There are six chairs in my room. (强调某地有某物) 在我的房间里有六把椅子。 I have six chairs. (强调某人拥有某物) 我有六把椅子。2. be动词与名词的单、复数保持一致。There is a girl over there. 那边有一个女孩。 There are five girls over there. 那边有五个女孩。 3. 就近原则。There is a pen and some pencils in my bag. 我的书包里有一只钢笔和一些铅笔。There are some pencils and a pen in my bag. 我的书包里有一些铅笔和一只钢笔。 4. there be +不定冠词+可数名词。There is a photo of Cai Yilin on the wall. (准确) 墙上有一张蔡依琳的照片。There is the photo of Cai Yilin on the wall. (错误)5. there be 有时态变化。There was an apple on the table yesterday. 昨天在桌子上有一个苹果。There is going to be a meeting this morning. 今天早上要开会。6. there be 的反意疑问句。 There is no water in the bottle, is there? 瓶子里没有水,是吗?There are many students at school, arent there? 学校里有很多学生,不是吗?六. 连线中考。2003考例:1) There_ a football game this afternoon. (武汉市)A. will have B. is going to be C. has 答案:B2) There was no time for the twins to go shopping. (改为反意疑问句) (哈尔滨市)There was no time for the twins to go shopping, _ _?答案:was there3) Do you think_ an American film on TV tomorrow? (广西)A. is there B. theres going to beC. will there be D. theres going to have 答案:B4)Whats on the plate? (吉林省)There_ some bread on it.A. is B. are C. has D. have 答案:A5) Jenny: How many countries _ in Europe? (台湾省)Betty: Im not sure.A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are there 答案:D【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一、仿照示例完成句子:To run in the morning is very good. It is good to run in the morning. 1. To play basketball must be fun. _2. To walk in the park is pleasant. _3. To learn a new language is very interesting. _4. To read a long word is difficult. _5. To be in class on time is important. _ 二、翻译下列句子:1. 今天非常热。_ 2. 昨天是星期一。_ 3. 从我家到学校很近。_ 4. 正在下雨。_ 5. 现在是七点半。_ 三、选择1. _ a reading lamp on the table. A. There is B. There has C. It is D. It has 2. _ no coffee left yesterday. A. It being B. There being C. It was D. There was 3. There _ five pairs in the room. A. were B. is C. are D. was 4. There _ no use to ask him this question. A. were B. is C. are
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