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Exercise for English Literature (2) Choose the best answer for each blank.1.” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born inA. C. 2.A. C. 3.A.C.4.A.C.5.A. C. 6.A.C.7.A.C.8.A. C. E.9. A.C., the “ father of English poetryLondon about 1340.Geoffrey ChaucerB. Sir Gawa inFran cis Bac onD. Joh n Dryde nChaucer died on the 25th October 1400, and was buried in.Fla ndersB. FranceItalyD. Westmi nster AbbeyThe progress in industry at home stimulated the commercial expansion abroad. exploratio n and travel, which were compatible with the in terest of the En glish mercha nts. Henry VB. Henry VIIHenry VIIID. Queen ElizabethExcept being a victory of En gla nd over, the rout of the fleettriumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the decli ning old feudalism.SpainB. FranceAmericaD. NorwayAt the beg inning of the 16th cen tury the outsta nding huma nistwrote his Utopia in which he gave aprofo und and truthful picture of the peopleand putsofwanghis ideal of a future happy society.Thomas MoreB. Thomas MarloweFran cis Bac onD. William ShakespearAbsolute mon archy in En gla nd reached its summit duri ng the reig n of Quee nMaryB. ElizabethWilliamD. VictoriaEn glish Ren aissa nee Period was an age of.prose and novelB. poetry anddramaessays and journ alsD. ballads and songsFrom the follow ing, choose the one which is not Francis Bacon The Adva nceme nt of Lear ningB. The New In strume ntEssaysD. The New Atla nticsVenus and Adonis“ Shall I compare thee to a summer s day? ” This is the beginning line of one of ShakespearesongsB. playscomediesD. sonn etsen couraged“ WmsadaO the nvin cible)s work:10. The heroines of Shakespeare great comedies, are the daughters of the Renaissanee, whoseimages and stories will remai n a legacy to readers and audie nces of all time.A. PortiaB. RoselandC. ViolaD. Beatrice11. Choose the four great tragedies of Shakespeare from the following.A. HamletB. OthelloC. MacbethD. King LearE. Tim on of Athe ns12. Which play is not a comedy?A. A Midsummer Night s DreamB. The Merchant of VeniceC. Twelfth NightD. Romeo and JulietE. As You Like It13. “ Denmark is a pris on” .In which play dossohajlmmarise his observatio n of his world into such a bittersentence?A. Charles IB. OthelloC. Henry VIIID. Hamlet14. The works ofand the Authorised Version of the English Bible are the two great treasuries of theEn glish Ian guage.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Edmund SpenserC. William ShakespeareD. Ben Johnson15. In which play does the hero show his profound reverence for man through the sentence:“ Whawok is a man! How nobel in reason! How finite in faculty!” A. Romeo and JulietB. HamletC. OthelloD. The Merchant of Venice16. In 1649,was beheaded. En gla nd became a com mon wealth.A. James IB. James IIC. Charles ID. Charles II17. The revolution of 1688 meant three of the following things:.A. the supremacy of ParliamentB. the beg inning of moder n En gla ndC. the triumph of the principal libertyD. the triumph of the principle of political libertyE. the Restoration of monarchy18. Who of the following were the important metaphysical poets?A. John DonneB. George HerbertC. John Milt onD. Richard Lovelace19. Which work was NOT writte n by Joh n Milt on?A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Sams on Ago ni stesD. Volp one20. Paradise Lost is.A. Joh n Milt on s masterpieceB. a great epic in 12 booksC. written in blank verseD. about the heroic revolt of Satan against God s authority21. John Milton is.A. a great revolutionary poet of the 17th centuryB. an outstanding political pamphleteerC. a great stylistD. a great master of blank verse22. From the Old Testame nt, Joh n Milt on took his stories of Paradise Lost, i.e.A. the creationB. the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angelsC. their defeat and expulsion from HeavenD. the creation of the death and of adam and EveE. the falle n an gels in hell plott ing aga inst GodF. Satan s temptation of EveG. the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden23. The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, andis often regarded as the real hero ofthe poem.A. GodB. Sata nC. AdamD. Eve24. Who is the greatest of the Metaphysical school of poetry?A. John DonneB. George HerbertC. An drew MarvellD. He nry Vaugham25. was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.A. The RenaissaneeB. The EnlightenmentC. The Religious ReformationD. The Chartist Movement26. The main literary stream of the 18th century was. What the writers described in their works weremai nly social realities.A. naturalismB. romanticismC. classicismD. realismE. sen time ntalism27
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