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北京语言大学21春英语语法离线作业1辅导答案1. I have got the Key in case of we want to go inside.( )此题为判断题(对,错)。答案:对2. Please mark the bales _ our initials SCC _ a diamond, _ which comes the destination BPlease mark the bales _ our initials SCC _ a diamond, _ which comes the destination Bremen _ order number 4424 below again.with,in,under,with3. Thirty-three people were already dead in a traffic accident and twelve of them being old men.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4. Good amounts of sleep every night_ also important for your health.AisBareCwasDwerGood amounts of sleep every night_ also important for your health.AisBareCwasDwere正确答案:B5. Although he is poor nevertheless, he is satisfied with his situation.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A6. Do you like the book the color of which is yellow.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7. As he is a farmer, he is suspicious of all governmental interference.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B8. The director seems to have _new ideas. His recent productions are nothing butThe director seems to have _new ideas. His recent productions are nothing but copies of his old films.A、fallen short ofB、lost touch withC、come up withD、run out of正确答案:D9. Mr.Smith insists that we are careful in out writing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A10. Which place do you want to visit first?Which place do you want to visit first?你首先想去参观什么地方?11. When you are _ need of further quantities, please feel free to communicate _ us.When you are _ need of further quantities, please feel free to communicate _ us.in, with12. We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered in September have been shipped by M/S PacWe are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered in September have been shipped by M/S Pacific _ leave Shanghai port on December 10.Aowing toBdue toCas toDthanks toB13. In a tenyear ( ) from 1976 to 1985, the total world fish catch increased 29%.A、expanseB、expenseC、stanceD、span参考答案:D14. Once we learn the rules for map reading, they seem so simple: up is north, blue is water,Once we learn the rules for map reading, they seem so simple: up is north, blue is water, a star stands for a capital. But when and how do we learn to read a map? Research shows that even three-year-olds can master, at least in a basic way, the key map-reading concept(概念): a map is a two-dimensional symbol(二维的符号)for three-dimensional space. Linda Acredolo of the University of California, showed a child a map of a room pointed out on it where a toy was hidden and asked the child to find that toy. Depending on the maps orientation(方位), about half the three-year-olds could successfully do so. Three years may be the age at which the ideas become fully understood. Judy Deloache of the University of Illinois let children watch her hide a small toy in a scale model of a room and asked them to find a large one in a real room. A three-year-olds can do it, but a two-year-olds has no idea that the model has to do with anything larger, she says. But even if the basic concept is there early, Lynn Liben and Roger Downs of Pennsylvania State University found that children still have a lot to learn. Second graders believe that north is always at the top of a map because of the hanging maps they have seen. If you asked them to close their eyes and point in the direction of north, often theyll point straight up, says Lihen. She says that children get map-reading skills gradually, and teachers must begin by using maps of familiar areas: their own classrooms, homes, and neighbourhoods.The first two experiments show that_.Achildren have better understanding than grown-upsBchildren have special natural ability for map readingCchildren are more interested in toys than in mapsDchildren can start to learn map-reading early正确答案:B由文章第二段的首句可以看出,科学家发现儿童对读地图有一种特殊的本能。15. _ moved us most was _ he looked after the old man for more than twenty years.A.That/thatB.What/thatC.What/whatD.That/what参考答案:B16. Such a sudden turn in the road is too difficult for the new driver, isn&39;t it? _. He&39;sSuch a sudden turn in the road is too difficult for the new driver, isnt it?_. Hes dealt with all kinds of troublesome situations before.A) No, it isnt.B) Yes, it is.C) No, he isnt.D) Yes, he is.A此题含义为:这样一个突然的转弯对他这样的新手来说是不是很难?不,不是这样的。他以前应付过各种各样麻烦的情况呢。答语中要否定前一句的意思,只能用否定回答。所以A正确。17. _ higher, and you will see farther. AStand BIf you stand CUnless DWhen you st_ higher, and you will see farther.AStandBIf you standCUnlessDWhen you standA18. 【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards正确答案:B19. “Is this the first time you _ Chengdu?”“No. But the first time I
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