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英文面试会计自我介绍汇编8篇 英文面试会计自我介绍篇 我的英文名叫XX,今年7岁,毕业于XX学校,在过去的年中一直就职于X公司,从事过出纳、结算会计等工作,对财务管理流程及纳税申报工作有相当丰富的经验,熟练掌握各种财务软件,对工作充满热情,一直坚持专业知识的学习,并打算在今年内一次性通过会计中级考试。我性格外向,思想活跃,乐于接受一切挑战,大学期间曾担任系学生会主席,正是在那个时候培养了我强烈的责任心、执行力和领导力。 生活中,我爱好广泛,尤其喜欢历史,对历代名人传记如数家珍,我也爱好运动,并经常组织同事切磋技艺,最擅长羽毛球运动。 I m XX,aed27. I graduted fom XX. nthe lt five year hav bnworkig in XX cpany, srng s casher adsettlement acountnt. I a i epince in fance mnament sem and xpayialicaon, andI am poficiet in various kids of inance softwares. slf-otivated, and have bn fcsing onmy own mjor knwlede, i the ho of passingMedim Leve Acuta Examintion n hs yea.Ia confident acceptevey calene.Thehiso o collee ervinga t haira in dent nioncultivated ston responsibiy feling, execuin ablit nleang poe. In myspare time, I egae in my ss fhbs, epecally forhisto. as loe sprt, and raniz y rind noffe o lay games.he badnon i my strength. 英文面试会计自我介绍 篇2 mgla to toduc myslfo you. MyChinee nae Lin,bu youca all e Rok, y Egli ame. I coseRck to be my Enlshnae beu want tobastoh a a rck. I was brnand aediungng,so seak bothatonese and andain. Ill oo graute from Zhoghan Uersity, majoin i acctig. thnk you ay hveitervieedqute a lof students fro scho, so yoko tis jor prepas u frCGA and ost curses araught in Engis MyGPA i 36, i rnks umber 9 in th115 tuent i mgde. nd v sed 15 eas iG, aticipat I wll ge th CGA uliaion i 202X Besies having god aadecerformne, I wa acivly iolved in stuent tiviies I was in age f uent Welfare n my clas,ad i the Suent Unonfour scool. Ienjoedthi positon because hat Iid was very iporant toeveybd,athouhitw osly sm deails.I a a the-onth iternshp in Gagdog hengzhog Acuntin Firm. I id the ivnor ecad helped th countants tomak the diting reportsy osswasleae my performanc n he askedmt rcomend my lasse o joi our te. KMG s m drea compny. Whas or,I havgreat teretin joinin he Ta Detmnt as my long te carer goal s to be tax consultant wis myramcolcom true y Tany! 英文面试会计自我介绍 篇 yna m ang li, this yearb f,ypecialyw the accoin, e underruatecoure shol recrd, nverty fouryari alrady issmth rough te englshfou lvels o tests,has btaned accuntant he omputeiat and accounnt iemloydth redtas, tued dilgntly about finaal a dscpie, uld utizthecopter kiled, in uivrsity prod paricipte ihe sudent assoiaion, had the strnommniati bilit n the powerof expesion, the ok is diliety earnst, also stron learning capabiliyand comtiiliy, ositiv eerpring, srve tge theup hnd 我叫王莉,今年大四,我的专业是会计,学历,大学四年我已经顺利通过英语四级考试,取得了会计电算化和会计从业资格证书,努力学习关于财务的每门学科,能熟练运用计算机,在大学期间参加了学生会,有较强的沟通能力和表达能力,努力认真,又较强的学习能力和适应性,积极进取,力争上游。 英文面试会计自我介绍 篇4 helo, my proessrs.its afine daytod,n m v plased t meet ou here.ir ofall,id ik to intrduc mysef yu.my nameis *,myomeown is *,ih i a eallbatiful city.e whe i wa a young by,iasvry ntersted iaccuntng .every n ayhave a dream,ad tillrememer hatm dreami tob a accountat .llodayi think that itrest ise best teaher n oe wole lf (andknoledgecomes frm practi). second, iwill introduc my majo .m ajr isaccountg in * univsitadyajor,whchlys more streon practcal use, seems to be athe ed o it.henboh of tem intectwel enough,the disories and theories n blgy cienecan beo red into ructs n all of the moenindur for ears unirity dcatio gives me alot of tingsto learn,alot of hacs ty,and a lt opacties t mprve msef.it teaes me not only what o stdy andhow t thik,but also to see the iportancof practicaability(such asding eximent as mas possil). in the univerity life,i have made man good riends.they help iro msuand rsrcabilty,do reryth ust lie man,and oftn give me goodexamleto ollw. besdewhi avntrducd mslf aboe,i also ave mnyter my sare tmei likepayng foobll,wich a effetiveay thnk to iprove y body health,nd it cn tach mehw o oin i aroup anddeal withother people.draingand wring santhe favor to me.o ll, ose e or irder tobroadmiewin acountig ,and ehane m researcabiiy.iwill do mybet tojoin he ne rou and e gooda
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