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0X年慈溪市小学六年级学业水平测试模拟卷二英 语istening Par 40%一、 听音,选出你所听到的内容 %( ) 1、A. R B. JKR C. GI( )2、A : B. 7:1 C 6:50( ) 3、A./i / B. / ei/ . i /( ) 、Afat Bmust C. ps( ) 5、A. /w:t/ B./w: / C./ w: l /( ) 、A. brokn B. bcause . ruh( ) 7、.pay attenion B.pla attntio C.atentio( ) 8、A get here B. gotogth C.gettogther二、听句子,给图标号 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,选出与你听到单词含有相同发音的词 %( )、 . rom B.foot ( )2、A bi B. giv( )3、 A.ren B. lass ( )、A.ater B who( )、 A. shep B. bead ( )6、A. her B. here四、听问句,选答句 5( )1、A.Yes,she is. B. N, it st( )2、A. Hei gong next weekend. B. H is ging to school( )、A.Is me B It hi.( )4、A.H oby is sing. . His hob s dran.( )5、A. Is Oct. 1 . B Is De25th五、选出与你听到句子意思一致的选项 5%( )、A. Spig my favourite season. B.Ilikesumer bst( )2、A. Amy i 1. Amy is 14cm.( )3、. My ateris a isern . My far is a pstman.( )4、A.The tree s n fr of te huse . hres bhid th house( )、.I wil te abu ome. B. I am ging oe bybike.六、听对话,选出正确的选项 6%听对话一完成1、2题1、Wre are hey A.A he B A schol C.In anaurepa.2、at are h lion oingA ey are tlkng to you . heyar sleping. C.hy a running.听对话二完成3、4题3、 Wht happened o Ann w W . Se rode a bike. B She ur erfoo C.Shefll ff and any.、Whod she go wt A. Herbrother. . Her mth. . Her siter听对话三,完成、两题5、What e they lking abou .A farwaear B birhday party.C. Afsval art.6、Wat is Mke going to do in theptyA Sina sng. B. PythepipC Dokung fu.七、听短文,判断,与短文相符的写”Y”,不相符写” 5%( )1、Deer itall athi.( )2、Mseis smal and tup(愚蠢).( )3、Mouse s afraid ofmonys( )4、Bea lies meata fru.( )5、Bearlies nte zo. 八、听句子,填写正确的单词 %、_2nd is y mohersbirday2、o, the elehn is _ ater.3、The _ i near the ciema. ww.4、Yestrdy my rth _ may gifts fr me frm un Nn.5、BereIlikd pay _, bunow I do lkt.Wrtg rt 6一、请按照字母表顺序选出排列正确的一项 %( )1、 .GU B. GPT C.QS( )2、 A. v u B.k l m C e f j( )3、 . y z . p q r C. de( )4、 A. no q . K M O F G H R二、找出下列每组单词划线发音不同的一项 5%( )1、A. tcer . sirt C. her . wod( )2、. cot B. no C.d D. show( )3、. cleaned B. coked C washd D.watched( )4.A. Chna B. lunc C. chistms D. ach( )5 . thre B. think C. hese D. fath三、读一读,找出每组中不同类的一项 5%( )1、A. Itain B. Cha C. UK D. ermn( )2、A.bt B. sster C.oder D. eaie( )3、A singing B. amazing . dncin D tlking( )、A. hae .chs Ctch . ice( )5、A rt .worker .wie D ch四、按要求写单词 6% 1、 fve(序数词)_ 2、wl(同义词)_ 3、 oty(复数)_ 4、ear (同音词)_ 5、 hin (比较级)_ 、at(过去式)_五、单项选择 8( )1、Im 5 arsl, Tony s 13. es _ anm A. 2 ysoune B. oger 2years . 2 yars lde( )2、_ t o May24th. A Wh dy isit toay B.Wha s tedae today C Whtdy( )3、_ hes are thes Theye_ A.hose Amy B hos hers hose mn ( )4、 time _ hav lunch A. t B. for C. to et( )5、Mo, dont kno te wod. ea, ou can _ onthe Interet. A look p it B. lok up he C lookitp( )6、H ten help _ with _ Englih after lass . sh he . he hr . hr she( )7、There _ some breo te table yestea. .w . e . (
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