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Unit 1This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam,Holla nd1 the early 1940s after the Germa n Nazishad2(occupy) most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruledGermany from 1933 to 1945. One of theirkey (policy) was_4_ (kill) all the Jews inEurope. If any pers ons 5 (know) to be Jews werefound, they would be sent to concen trati on camp farther east, mostly in Pola nd.Families were separated and tran sported in trains. For many days, they went food, water, san itatio n or freshair._7(avoid) this terrible fate, someJewish familieswent in to hidi ng, ofte n with the help of ewish)friends. This diary was written during thetime 9Anne and her family moved to escapefrom (kill) by Nazis.Unit 2In on ly fifty years, En glish evelop) in to theIan guage most(2) (wide)spoke n and used in the world.English is the working Ianguage of most internationalorganizations, international trade and tourism. Businessmen and tourists often come to China without being able to speak (3) . Chin ese bus in essme n, taxi drivers and stude ntsthe peopleevery day,talk with them using English. English is also the Ianguage of 4 (globe) culture, such as popular music and the In ternet. You can liste n to En glish songs(5)radio (6)use En glish to com muni cate(7)around the world through the In ternet. With so many people com muni cate)in En glish kno wledge of En glish.it will become(9)_(important) to have(10) goodUnit 3My name is Wang Kun. Since middle school, my sister andI 1(dream) about 2(take)a great biketrip. Whenwe graduated from college,we fin allygot the cha neeto do it. It3 my sister 4 first had the idea to cyclealong 5 Mekong River from6it begins towhere it ends. The Dai live near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that7(call) the Mekong Riverin other countries. WangWei soon got them interested in cycling too. She in sisted that we 8 (fin d)thesource of the river.She gave mea9(determine) look.Once She has madeup her mind, nothing can cha nge it.Fin ally,I had to give10.Unit 4At 3:42 a.m. everythi ng bega n to shake. Itseemed1the world was2an end! Eleve nkilometers3(direct) below the city the greatestearthquakes of the 20th century began. It was heard in Beijing, 4is one hundred kilometersaway. One- third of the n ati on felt it. A huge crack that waseight kilometers longand thirty meters wide cut _5houses, roads and canals.Steam burst from 6(hole) in the ground. Hardhills of rock becamerivers of dirt. In fifteen terriblesecondsa large city lay in ruins. Two-thirds of the people died or 7(injure) duri ng the earthquake. Thousa nds of families8( kill)and many childre n were left9pare nts. The nu mber of people 10were killed or injured reached more tha n 400,000.Unit 5My nameis Elias. I ama poor black worker in South Africa. The time (1) I first met Nels on Man dela was a very difficultperiod of my life. I was twelve years old. It was in 1952 and he had ope ned a black law firm to advise poor black people (2)their problems.I bega n school at six . The (3)where I studiedonly two years was three kilometres away. I had to leave , (4)my family could not con ti nue to pay the shool feesand the bus (5) . I could not read (6)write. Aftertrying hard , I got a job in a gold mine . This was a time whe n one had got to have a passsbook to live in Joha nn eburg.(7)(sad) I did not have this passbook because I was notborn there and I was worried (8)whether I would be outof work.The day whe n Nels on Man dela told me what to do and helped me was one of the appy) days of my life . He told mehow to get the correct papers so I could stay in Joha nn eburg.I never forgot (10) kind he was and when he organizedthe ANC Youth League , I joined it as soon as I could . 参考答案 Unit 1Keys: 1. in to kill6. without2. occupied 3. policies 4.5. known7. To avoid 8.non-Jewish 9.when 10. being killedUnit 2Key: (1) has developed (2) widely(3) Chinese (4)global(5) on (6) or (7) with (8)communicating(9) more and more important(10) aUnit 3Keys: 1. have dreamed2. takingthat 5. the6. wherefind 9. determined10. inUnit 4Keys: 1.that;2. at ;3. directly ;across ; 6.holes; 7. were injured without; 10. whoUnit 53. was4.7. is called8.4.which; 5.8. were killed 9.Keys: 1. when 2. on fare 6.or 7. Sadly3. school 4. because 5.8.about 9. happiest 10. how
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