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Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands 单元检测. 单项选择(每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)( )1. Everybody should make _ effort to reduce pollution and create a clean environment.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )2. You can have any of the cakes _ this one because it is for your mother.A. among B. except C. on D. without( )3. Fathers Day is coming. Could you please give me some _ for Fathers Day activities?Sure. You may have a family picnic or a family camping trip.A. introductions B. competitionsC. resolutions D. suggestions( )4. One of the boys kept talking in class, which made Mrs. Jackson very _.A. lonely B. mad C. weak D. sleepy( )5. Mandy finished all the work on time. Now she feels _ and happy.A. worried B. shocked C. relaxed D. interested( )6. Studying English grammar is the key to speaking correctly.Im afraid I disagree. _ is more important to practice listening. A. This B. One C. It D. That1( )7. The guests praised Mario and his younger brother because they _ well at the party.A. behaved B. argued C. added D. replied( )8. The Long March 7 made its successful inaugural flight 首(飞). Zhang Yang told me the news _ he saw it on the Internet.A. so that B. even thoughC. as soon as D. ever since( )9. Cathy used to _ much for dinner, but in order to keep fit, recently she has got used to _ less.A. eating; eat B. eat; eatingC. eat; eat D. eating; eating( )10. Ruby, _ the steps when you wear shoes with high heels. Thanks, I will.A. minding B. to mindC. mind D. to minding( )11. The celebration begins at seven in the evening and is expected _ around half past ten.A. finishing B. to finishingC. finish D. to finish( )12. Jessica seems strange. I find _ hard _ on with her. A. it; to get B. it; getC. that; get D. that; to get2( )13. Tourists were told _ their sunglasses to protect their eyes from the strong sunlight.A. not to take off B. to take offC. to clean off D. not to clean off( )14. Jason hasnt finished the work, but dont punish him. _, he has done his best.Yes, youre right.A. At first B. For exampleC. After all D. In total( )15. Sorry, I couldnt do more to help you get that job._. There will be other jobs.A. Its up to you B. Its no big dealC. Well, thats too bad D. Well, its hard to say. 完形填空(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)Few people like changing their habits, good or bad. Whether it is smoking, drinking or overeating, they 16 “enjoying” them to the end.On every packet of cigarettes(香烟), people are warned against the 17of smoking: “Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”. 18 , millions of them start smoking or go on smoking. Why?Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very importantpart in 19 smokers. All those smokers come from smoking families or havesmoking 20 or relatives. Films and TV plays also play a part. People 213their “heroes” on TV drinking alcohol(酒) or smoking cigarettes. “Heroes”seem to fear 22 , neither killing themselves nor killing others withalcohol and cigarettes. If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking, 23 should common people be afraid?The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokershabits. Even 24 warnings, like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer, dont seem to work.Knowing and believing seem to be two 25 things. If smoking is reallyas harmful as doctors say, it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!16. A. stop B. continue C. finish D. avoid17. A. chances B. excuses C. causes D. dangers18. A. Moreover B. Also C. However D. Otherwise19. A. influencing B. explainingC. improving D. describing20. A. parents B. uncles C. brothers D. friends21. A. hear B. catch C. watch D. face22. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything23. A. what B. how C. when D. why24. A. stronger B. worse C. longer D. harder25. A. similar B. pleasant C. different D. boring. 阅读理解(每小题 1 分, 共 16 分)4AB efore the elevator was invented in the late 1800s, buildings were muchsmaller and lower, as people did not want to walk up and down stairs(楼梯)allday. With the invention of the elevator came high-rise buildings and skyscrapers.Some people find elevators make them a little uncomfortable because thereare many people all standing close in a small room. It is best just to relax and enjoy the ride.When the elevator doors open, stand aside and let everyone out beforeyou try to get in. Even if you are in a hurry, its impolite to push someone so that you can get into an elevator.Dont stare at(盯着看)people or stand too close. Try to keep your eyes looking ahead or you could mak
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