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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit教案 人教新目标版一、背景初中英语教学的主要任务是培养学生学习英语的积极性和兴趣;培养学生的学习习惯和学习能力;培养学生的实践能力和交际能力;培养学生的英语综合素质;还要帮助他们树立正确的人生观、价值观。新目标初中英语教材具有很多的优点,但由于学生认知水平的发展具有规律性,所以教师只有充分认识和掌握这种规律,针对不同的班级、不同的课程结合教学实际,合理设计教学程序;采用讲、问、做、看图片、讨论和课堂竞赛等各种教学手段,精心选择、合理使用;并充分发挥教师主导、学生主体的作用,才能达到教学的真正高效。二、教材分析1、话题:本课时选择的是Go for it九年级Unit7中reading部分,主要是围绕本单元的重点话题Where would you like to visit?再结合人们的希望和梦想展开的。2、内容:这篇阅读主要是通过一份调查为主线,分别对当今学生们的梦想和希望展开调查,最后总结出梦想对于人们的重要性以及坚持你的梦想,为之奋斗、努力,那么你的梦想总会实现!3、教学目标:(1)理解课文内容,了解dream和hope之间的区别。 (2)学习理解这篇文章,进一步本单元重点句型及词组。 (3)引导学生带着重点有目的的进行阅读,掌握一定的阅读技巧。三、教学步骤Step1:Greetings:Good morning ,boys and girls .Im glad to have a class with you .My family name is Song .You can call me Miss Song .I hope you can enjoy the class and learn something from the class,First,lets look at the studying goals .What we will learn today? We need to memorize them while you read.设计思路:简短的介绍,让学生对本节课有一个初步的认识和准备。Step2:Leading-in:Everyone has his or her own dreams. I have dreams, too .When I was a middle school student ,just like you .I saw a film about Italy .From then on ,I have a dream ,I dream of traveling around Italy one day.But for some reasons, it hasnt e true.Now, I hope I can have a lot of time and money so that I can go there with my family soon.Thats my dreams and hopes.Look at the pictures:(Show a picture of a woman and a woman is walking on the moon).T:Whats her dream?S:Her dream is to walk on the moon.(Show another picture of a boy and Ultraman.)T:Whats his dream?S:His dream is to be an Ultraman.T:What do you think of their dreams?I think their dreams are less realistic.Its hard to achieve.But hopes are easier to e true than dreams.T:Do you have dreams?Whats your dream?S:My dream is to be a writer.T:Whats your hope?S:I hope to get good grades this term.T:I hope your dreams will e true some day.T: Today well learn the reading.(Show a picture.)Look,whats the writers dream?S:His dream is to sail across the Pacific.This is the title of the reading.Open your books and turn to Page58.设计思路:以讨论梦想的话题进入,可以活跃课堂气氛,并了解dream和hope之间的区别。通过有趣的话题和图片极大地激发学生的好奇心,此时已经为进入正文教学打下基础。Step3: Before reading:Task1: Go through the reading .T: Answer five questions.While you read,underline the information that you think is important to remember. (Show five multiple-Choice questions about the reading)1.How many paragraphs are there in the reading? A. 5 B. 6 C. 4 2.This survey is about _. A. hopes B. dreams C. hopes and dreams3.Who took part in the survey about hopes and dreams?A. Some young people. B. Some students across China . C. Foreign students 4. According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is_. A. policeman B. puter programming C. doctor5. According to the conclusion, how can we make our dreams e true?A. Hold on to our dreams. B. Study hard. C. Read more books.Check the answers.(A C B B A )Listen to the tape.And underline the phrases in the reading,then give students 5 minutes to remember these phrases.Later,have a test to see if students grasp them.Read the first paragraph together,ask students to find out the sentences that they dont understand.For example:Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part.(Explain:句中in which thousands of students across China took part=Thousands of students across China took part in the survey.介词in与take part in构成短语,in 不能省略。句中in which是一个非限定性定语从句修饰survey. 若介词提前,关系代词只能用which)练一练:This is an old house, _ _my grandparents lived for nearly 30 years.设计思路:(1) 首先粗略的浏览该篇阅读,引导学生们有目的地读,并在短时间内对它有一个初步的认识,让学生把握这篇文章的Learning strategy。五个单选题的设计也非常简单,让同学们的信心大大地增强。(2) 听和读都是学生获取信息的重要途径。通过边听录音边找出重点短语和词组,并给出一定的时间记忆,能让学生在了解课文大意的同时能把握课文中一些细节性的内容,进一步深化学生对文章主旨和知识点的理解和运用。(3) 分段落、进一步有目的地精读,可以让学生更好地了解课文细节。通过讲解,降低了第一自然段中定语从句的难度,做中的练习,让学生加深对这句话的理解并能灵活处理与此相关的习题。Task2:What are the hopes of teenagers?Only read the second paragraph carefully.Fill in the chart.(Take out the pen,underline key points or sentences as you read.In this way,it can help you find out the answers quickly.)HopesSome students would like to _as soon as possible. Other students hope to _after finishing school and to_. Many teenagers want to _. T:Whats the result of the survey ?S:The popular choice of the job is puter programming.Read the second paragraph together,ask students to find out the sentences that they dont understand.For example: It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents.(Explain: it seems (that) 似乎,看来,仿佛觉得。通常用于表示根据某些见到的迹象推断出结论。it seems (that)=seem to do eg. It seems that nobody knew what had happened. 似乎没有人知道发生了什么。)练一练: N
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