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关于英文求职信集合10篇日子在弹指一挥间就毫无声息的消逝,很多挚友又将起先寻求新的工作机会,让我们一起来学习写求职信吧。为了让您不再为写求职信头疼,下面是我帮大家整理的英文求职信10篇,欢迎阅读与保藏。英文求职信 篇11. Shall you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel nextsummer? 贵酒店明年暑期是否须要一名有阅历的柜台部职员?2. Because I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during July and August, I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a young man with three years of educational training and some part-time experience. Perhaps I could fill in for one of your office staff during the vacation period. 因我渴望在七、八月间获得会计实务阅历,特备函问询你处是否需雇用受过三年训练略有阅历的年轻人?在假期中我或可添补贵公司空缺。3. Gentlemen: Attention of PersonnelManager I am looking for a postion asassistant shipping clerk. 人事部经理勋鉴:本人正在谋求一份助理船务职员的工作。4. Perhaps there is a position in your organization for an young, experienced, andconscientious secretary stenographer. 请问贵公司是否须要一名年青、有阅历、负责的女秘书兼速记员?5. I want a job. Not any job with any company, but a particular job with your company. Here are my reasons. Your organization is more than just a busienss house. It is aninstitution in the minds of the local public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers alike. For the past four years, while specializing in accounting at colege, I have had a secret ambition to work for your organization in the accounting department. I graduate in June. As I write this letter, I do not know that there is an opening at persent, but here are my qualifications which prompt me to make application now. 本人须要一份工作,不是任何公司的任何工作,而是贵公司的一个职位。贵公司不只是商店,而是大众都知晓的机构。以公正、证明的美誉远近驰名。在高校主修会计四年来,内心早就想到贵公司会计部工作,今年七月即将毕业。写此信时,不知贵公司目前是否有空缺,但是下列的资格促使本人冒昧提出申请。6. As it is nearing the Christmas season, it occurs to me that you many need additional assistance in selling gifts n iyour shop. I have a whole week before Christmas, from December 18-24, when I mssist you. I could aslo work evenings from six oclock on, before December 18. 圣诞节将届,想到贵公司可能须要销售礼物的助理,本人在圣诞节前一周(十二月十八日至二十四日)有空,可以帮忙。十八日以前每晚六时后也可以。 7. Gentlemen: Attention of Personnel Manager Like many other young men, I am looking for a position. I want to get stated, at the bottom, perhaps, but started. 人事部主任:本人和许多年青人一样正在找寻工作。本人想要有个开头,从基层做起。英文求职信 篇2Dear Mr HoApplication for the position of Hotel ManagerI write to apply for the above position you advertised in the JobsPower.com on January 4.My accomplishments, which I have gained from working in a prestigious hotel for more than ten years, reflect a proven ability to perform in diverse and varied functions of the hospitality industry. I have had extensive experience in front desk services, guest relation, as well as sales and marketing during the past ten years. In these capacities, my responsibilities encompass all operation aspects of the room division, such as housekeeping, maintenance, reservations, quality control, and communications.I enjoy working at my current hotel, but the position of Hotel Manager seems to offer the ideal next step, and an opportunity to apply my professional skills and experience to a new organization.Thank you in advance for your generous consideration. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you my ability to fulfill your requirements. I look forward to meeting you.Yours sincerelySteven Cheung英文求职信 篇3敬重的领导:首先,请允许我向您致以真诚的问候和良好的祝福!特别感谢您百忙之中关注我的自荐信,当您翻开这一页的时候,您已经为我打开了通往机遇与胜利的第一扇大门。也是我施展才华,实现自我价值的良好开端。借此择业之际,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对工作的执著追求,真诚地向您举荐自己。Dear leadersFirst of all, please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wishes to you!Thank you for your attention to my letter of recommendation, when you open this page,you have opened the first door that lead to opportunity and success for me,also it is a good beginning for me to display my talent and achieve self-worth.I with a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of work.I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely recommend myself.或许我并不完备,但我很自信,请给我一次机会,我会尽我最大的努力让你满足。虽然工作阅历不足,但我会虚心学习、主动工作、尽职尽责做好本职工作,用时间和汗水去弥补。所以我深信自己可以在岗位上守业、敬业、更能创业。无论您是否选择我,敬重的领导,希望您能接受我恳切的谢意!祝您工作顺心!Maybe Im not perfect, but Im confident, please give me a chance, I will try my best to make you satisfied.Although lack of work experience, but I will Learning modestly, work actively and conscientious, completes the labor of duty, use time and sweat to make up for.So I deeply believe that myself can keep,dedicate and pioneer to work in a position. Regardless of whether you choose me or not,my respect leader, hope you can accept my sincere appreciation! Looking forward to your reply. All the best in your work.英文求职信 篇4在外企求职的过程当中,一封精彩的求职信是必不行少的。而撰写一封得体的英文求职信可能是你在打算应聘的过程中遇到的最麻烦的问题。在求职的过程中,只有能体现个人才智的求职信,才能帮助你顺当地谋求到一份志向的工作。你须要细致考虑你所写的求职信的目的,及其所可能产生的影响。信件要引起读者的爱好,要反映出你的目的,要符合特定的环境要求。以下供应英文求职信写作宝典,各位求职者不妨予以参考。求职信切忌空洞,求职信的内容要全面详细,同时又必需是相互关联的一个整体,这样的求职信才能真正对你的事业起到推动的作用。一封志向的求职信应当留意如下的几点:一、语言表达要简洁明白,避开运用太多的专业术语和过分困难的句子。一方面用人单位不会在一份求职简历上花费太多的时间;另外一个方面,简洁的语言表述也能体现出你珍惜他人的时间。二、在求职信的第一个段落当中应当明确地告知对方你是在何家媒体
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