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中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 商标翻译浅谈 姓 名 : 000 班级、学号 : 0000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000000 开题时间: 2009-04-10 完成时间: 2009-11-08 2009 年 11 月 08 日19目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-22答辩委员会表决意见23答辩过程记录表24课 题 商标翻译浅谈 一、 课题(论文)提纲引言1.商标翻译的重要性2.商标中的文化特色3.商标的语言特点 3.1象征性 3.2独特性 3.3简洁性 3.4艺术性 3.5时代性 3.6稳定性4.英汉商标翻译的方法 4.1音译法 4.2直翻法 4.3意译法 4.4音译合译法4.5减音法4.6增字法5.结束语二、内容摘要商标宣传是国际市场推销商品和进行竞争的一种重要手段,而培养名牌商标是进一步开拓国际市场的重要环节。因此,做好商标的翻译,其重要意义是不言而喻的。随着世界经济体系的全球化和中国加入WTO,产品的进出口日益增强,因此也导致了商标的翻译越来越受到重视, 在翻译理论和实践的基础上不断得到丰富和发展,尤其是更加注重了中西方的文化差异。本文从商标命名的重要性、文化特色和语言特点的角度探讨了商标翻译的主要方法,并提出了在翻译时应注重中西文化信息的互通,从而使翻译出的商标名称与原文的商品在音、形、意和美等珠联璧合、异曲同工,在商品交流的同时亦可实现文化的交流。三、 参考文献1金惠康. 跨文化交际翻译M ,中国对外翻译出版公司 ,2003 (175)2朱娥. 商标词的翻译理论和方法J, 昭通师范高等专科学校学报 ,2004 26(2) 473吕晔 .商标的文化特征与翻译策略J, 淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) ,2005(2)4向华. 商标翻译策略D ,山东师范大学, 2003 (4)5梦之. 翻译新论与实践M, 青岛出版社 ,1999 (281-284)6石玉. 汉字商标词的跨文化传通J ,外语与外语教学 ,2001 (4) On the Translation of Trademarks 00000000000 Abstract:The trademark propaganda is an important mean of selling goods and competition for the international market, but cultivating brand name is the important links to open up the international markets.So the importance of a good trademark translation is self-evident. With the globalization of the word economic system and Chinas entering WTO,the products of importing and exporting strengthen day by day, it has also led to the translation of the trademark has been gaining attention, it gets a continuously enrich and development from the translation of theory and practice, especially paying greater attention to the sino-western cultural differences. This paper mainly discusses the methods of the trademark translation from the importance of trademark.culture characteristic and language characteristic,concluding that translation should focus on the exchange of cultural information,so that the translation will be similar with the original goods in the sound, shape, meaning and so on,while the commodity exchanges will also achieve cultural exchanges.Key words: trademark ;translation ; method ; cultureIntuoductionA trademark is a sign of commodities.The producer is used to identifing their production and sale of goods by iconic symbols. Generally speaking, graphics or symbol,is the image of products, corporate symbol conveys the spirit of enterprise and shapes the business image. Marks role is to ensure product quality, easy for consumers to purchase and maintain the credibility of trademark registration and peoples right.Trademark helps companies promote their own goods , manufacture ,and then make the enterprise zone gain huge profits.Therefore, manufacturers will be racking their brains in order to achieve distinctive trademark name and impressed by popular things.So as to achieve sales of goods,improve the competitiveness of the commodity market.With Chinas accession to WTO, China ,at an alarming rate,integrates into the global economy.China strengthens economic and technogic cooperation with other coutries ,including increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges.How to introduce our products to foreign countries,bring foreign products into the domestic and conduct a successful sales business,has become a major event.As representative image,trade mark must be in another language appear in the international market,while successful trademark translation makes products known to the world.It is vital for enterprises to explore the international market and establish an important element of international brands.1.Mark the importance of TranslationA commodity is in order to obtain a larger market share.It, in addition to the quality of its own,mostly depends on the ability of understanding and accepting for consumers .Who can win their love, who can induce their purchase successfully. Thus, problem have emerged .A good trademark can be a tremendous asset to the enterprise;in the other hand, a bad mark can bring about heavy losses.Therefore,trademark translation must be taken in account.Mark for some people may still be a comparatively new concept! Some people think that their companys own products do not need to go to trademark translation,as long as people buy my stuff ! But everyone knows that in this era of information industry and a strong brand awareness,how important trademarks for businesses is!About the literature translation, all discuss the translation standards.It always has a popular view in our countr
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