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高级英语教学配套小型语料库标注办法(参见英语专业写作教学语料库建设与研究邹申著,有所改动)1. 第一维度赋码文章类型 passage (放在标题前)a. argumentativei. inductive psg_arg_indcii. deductive psg_arg_dedcb. narration/descriptioni. person ii. eventpsg_nar_personpsg_nar_eventiii. place psg_nar_placec. exposition (只标注文本最显著的)psg_exp_timepsg_exp_spac psg_exp_proc psg_exp_exmp psg_exp_defn psg_exp_ceff psg_exp_clsf psg_exp_compi. developed by timeii. developed by spaceiii. process analysisiv. exemplificationv. definitionvi. cause and effectvii. classificationviii comparison & contrast d. thesis statement 主题句i. thesis statement at the beginning psg_statm_1ii. thesis statement in the middle psg_statm_2iii. thesis statement at the end psg_statm_3iii. thesis statement missing 不标2. 第二维度赋码段落层面 paragraph:a. topic sentencei. topic sentence at the beginning ii. topic sentence in the middle iii. topic sentence at the end iv. topic sentence missingprg_tpc_1prg_tpc_2prg_tpc_3不标b. location of developmental paragraphs(是语篇的结构层次,因此只要标注一次)i. introduction of passage ii. introduction missing iii. body of passageiv. conclusion of passage v. conclusion missingc. linking deviceprg_mrkb_1不标不标prg_mrke_1不标(主要段落标注,理清 topic sentence 与 supporting details 间的逻辑关系) i. chronological or sequential order prg_link_timeprg_link_spacprg_link_proc prg_link_exmp prg_link_clsf prg_link_comp prg_link_prog prg_link_ceff prg_link_summ prg_link_appo prg_link_parrii. spatial orderiii. processiv. exemplificationv. classificationvi. compare and contrastvii. progressive relationviii. cause and effectix. summaryxi. appositive relationxii. parallel structure *3. 第三维度赋码句子层面a. simple sentence 不标b. difficult compound sentence sntn_cmpndc. difficult complex sentencei. subjective clause 主语从句 sntn_cmplx_subii. objective clause 宾语从句 sntn_cmplx_objiii. predicative clause 表语从句sntn_cmplx_preiv. adverbial clause 状语从句 sntn_cmplx_advv. attributive clause 定语从句 sntn_cmplx_attvi. appositive clause 同位语从句sntn_cmplx_appsntn_cmpnd_cmplxsntn_spcl_invsntn_spcl_excsntn_spcl_tag sntn_spcl_clf sntn_spcl_impd. compound-complex sentencee. special patterns 特殊句型i. inverted sentence 倒装句ii. exclamation 感叹句iii. tag question 翻译疑问句iv. cleft sentence 强调句v. imperative sentence 祈使句4. 第四维度赋码修辞手段,作者态度、语气 (标注最主要的,标注在句子后面)a. rhetorical devicesi. 明喻 similerhet_simlii. 暗喻 metaphorrhet_metaiii. 转喻 metonymyrhet_metniv. 提喻 synecdocherhet_syncv. 类比 analogyrhet_analvi. 拟人 personificationrhet_persvii. 矛盾 paradoxrhet_paraviii. oxymoron(phrase)rhet_oxymix. 夸张 hyperbolerhet_hypex. 委婉语 euphemismrhet_euphxi. 反话 ironyrhet_ironrhet_sarcrhet_tranrhet_punattit_posiattit_neutattit_negaattit_crittone_humr tone_solm tone_polt tone_impr tone_mode tone_arrogxii. 讥讽 sarcasmxiii. 通感 transferred epithetxiv. 双关 punb. 态度 attitudei. positiveii. neutraliii. negativeiv. criticalc. 语气 tonei. humorousii. solemniii. politeiv. imperative iii. modestvi. arrogant注:加*的第三维度编码仅标注对文本理解有影响的复杂句。除了句子层面以及修辞手段,作者态度、语气标注在句子后面,其他都标注在句子前面。标注例文:psg_exp_exmpTechnology in ReverseBy Robert J. Samuelsonprg_mrkb_1Let me introduce you to retarded technology. prg_link_compIts the opposite of advanced technology. prg_link_defnAdvanced technology enables us to do useful new things or to do old things more efficiently. psg_statm_1prg_tpc_2prg_link_compBy contrast, retarded technology creates new and expensive ways of doing things that were once done simply and inexpensively.prg_link_prog Worse, it encourages us to do things that dont need doing at all. It has made waste respectable, elaborate, alluring and even fun.prg_tpc_1prg_link_exmpJust the other week, NEWSWEEK reported a boom in electronic books. prg_link_defnThe idea is to put books onto discs that you can plug into your customized book-displaying computer. Heres a swell idea of retarded technology. prg_link_defnOn the one hand, you can buy a $900 or $9,000 book-reading computer that you can feed with $20 discs of your favorite books. Its cumbersome.prg_link_prog If you take it to the beach, it gets clogged with sand. You cant use it as a pillow.tone_humr If it slips off the kitchen counter, it smashes.prg_tpc_1prg_link_compOn the other hand, you can buy an old-fashioned book. prg_link_ceffIts cheaper, more mobile, less fragile and more durable. You can lend it, even to casual friends. If you dont like it, you can stop reading without hating yourself for ever buying it. prg_link_progLosing it is not a traumatizing event.prg_link_compThe pro-technology comeback is that computers will someday compress entire libraries onto chips or discs and, prg_link_ceffthereby, open vast vistas of information to almost anyone
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