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幼小衔接班培养目标1掌握拼音,能自己拼读音节,熟背拼音表。2掌握20以内加减运算,有效开发数学思维。3掌握300个汉字,认识会组词并运用。4掌握基础的英语听说能力,能进行简单的对话。5帮助孩子养成良好的学习习惯,生活习惯,行为习惯,培 养独立思考,独立动手的能力,提高注意力。6培养孩子的艺术素养,发掘孩子的艺术潜质。7培养良好的阅读习惯及学习兴趣9培养孩子的良好品格:礼貌,热情,积极,自信,感恩, 荣誉感,自豪感。10让孩子适应小学生活,避免孩子入学后出现的学习压力,交往压力及逆反心理。When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And no ddi ng by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your mome nts of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face;And bending dow n beside the glow ing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not betwee n life and deathBut whe n I sta nd in front of youYet you dont know thatI love you.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not whe n I sta nd in front of youYet you cant see my loveBut whe n un doubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut whe n I pla inly cannot resist the year ningYet prete nding you have n ever bee n in my heart.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not struggli ng aga inst the tidesBut using on es in differe nt heartTo dig an un erossable riverFor the one who loves you.
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