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2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题While he was building his army by( )new local forces, he consistently followed the practice of taking over these corps intact with their commanders and indoctrinating these leaders to ensure their allegiance to himself and his own army.问题1选项A.incorporatingB.having been incorporatedC.incorporatedD.being incorporated【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。incorporate“合并,吸收”。incorporate这个动作是直接由句子的主语“he”来执行的,所以介词by后面直接跟动词的进行时。句意:当他通过新的地方部队来建立他的军队时,他一直遵循这样的做法,即完整地接管这些部队和他们的指挥官,并灌输这些领导人以确保他们效忠于他自己和他自己的军队。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题Between French friends, who have chosen each other for congeniality of their point of view, lively disagreement and sharpness of arguments are the breath of life.问题1选项A.coexistenceB.coincidenceC.correlationD.compatibility【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。congeniality表示“同性质;适意”。A项coexistence“共存”,B项coincidence“巧合,一致”,C项correlation“相关,关联”,D项compatibility“兼容”。句意:对于因为观点一致而选择对方成为朋友的法国人来说,活跃的争论和激烈的论断是他们生活中不可缺少的东西。根据句意,该题选D正确。3. 单选题Critical and independent thinking is a valued skill among American academics and professors who often sadly lament that modern students lack these skills.问题1选项A.mourn aloudB.express sorrow demonstrativelyC.complainD.regret strongly【答案】D【解析】考查副词以及形容词词义辨析。A选项mourn aloud“大声哀悼”;B选项express sorrow demonstratively“表达悲伤”;C选项complain“抱怨”;D选项regret strongly“强烈后悔”。题目中的lament表达的是“遗憾”的意思,所以D“regret strongly深表遗憾”与题目意思相符。句意:美国专业学者和教授认为批判思维独立思维是一种很有价值的技能,他们通常会因现在的学生缺乏这种能力而伤感遗憾。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题Her remarks( )a complete disregard for human rights.问题1选项A.magnifiedB.maintainedC.manipulatedD.manifested【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项magnified“扩大,放大”;B选项maintained“保持,供养”;C选项manipulated“操纵,控制”;D选项manifested“表明,显示”,句意:她的评论表明了对人权的完全漠视,所以只有D选项符合。5. 单选题The problem is that the loss of confidence among the soldiers can be highly contagious.问题1选项A.spreadingB.contemptibleC.contentedD.depressing【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。contagious在句中是“传染性的,会感染的”;A选项spreading“扩散的”;B选项contemptible“可鄙的”;C选项contented“满足的,心安的”;D选项depressing“沉闷的,阴沉的”。句意:问题是士兵们失去信心可能会传染。因此只有A项符合。6. 单选题While he was not dumber than an ox, he was not any smarter; so most of his classmates were lenient and helped him along.问题1选项A.helpfulB.mercifulC.enthusiasticD.intelligent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。lenient在句中是“仁慈的,宽大的”;A选项helpful“有帮助的,有益的”;B选项merciful“仁慈的”;C选项enthusiastic“热心的,热情的”;D选项intelligent“聪明的”。句意:虽然他不比牛笨,但也不比牛聪明,所以他的大多数同学都很宽容和仁慈,并给予他帮助。所以只有B项符合。7. 单选题Before the construction of the road, it was prohibitively expensive to transport any furs or fruits across the mountains.问题1选项A.determinedlyB.incrediblyC.amazinglyD.forbiddingly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。prohibitively在句中是“禁止地”,prohibitively expensive的意思是极其昂贵。A选项determinedly“坚定地,坚决地”;B选项incredibly“端地;令人难以置信地”;C选项amazingly“惊人地,令人惊讶地”;D选项forbiddingly“禁止地”。句意:在修路之前,把毛皮和水果运过山是非常昂贵的。根据选项词义,只有D项符合。8. 单选题The methods through which they built up and maintained personal followings and the outlooks which accompanied such activity likewise became important( )for modern Chinese political behavior.问题1选项A.precedentsB.pioneerC.sourceD.resource【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项precedents“引用单元”;B选项pioneer“先锋”;C选项source“来源”;D选项resource“资源”。分析题干可知,空白处应填入一个名词,根据题干内容,活动会成为中国政治行为的,可推测答案选项为C。句意:他们用来建立维护追随者的方法与完成这样的活动的展望也成为了现今中国政治行为的重要。因此C选项正确。9. 单选题Can you imagine! He offered me 5000 to break my contract. Thats( ). Of course I didnt agree. I would take legal action.问题1选项A.fraudB.blackmailC.briberyD.compensation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项fraud“欺骗,欺诈”;B选项blackmail“勒索”;C选项bribery“贿赂”;D选项compensation“补偿,赔偿”。句意:你能想象嘛!他提出给我五千美元来违约,这是贿赂行为,我当然不会同意,我将采取法律手段。结合句意,选C。10. 不定项选择题Hurricanes are violent storms that cause millions of dollars in property damage and take many lives. They can be extremely dangerous, and too often people underestimate their fury.Hurricanes normally originate as a small area of thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean west of the Cape Verde Islands during August or September. For several days, the area of the storm increases and the air pressure falls slowly. A center of low pressure forms, and winds begin to whirl around it. It is blown westward, increasing in size and strength.Hurricane hunters then fly out to the storm in order to determine its size and intensity and to track its direction. They drop instruments for recording temperature, air pressure, and humidity(湿度), into the storm. They also look at the size of waves on the ocean, the clouds, and the eye of the storm. The eye is a region of relative calm and clear skies in the center of the hurricane. People often lose their lives by leaving shelter when the eye has arrived, only to be caught in tremendous winds again when the eye has passed.Once the forecasters have determined that it is likely the hurricane will reach shore, they issue a hurricane wat
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