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考研英语自我介绍 当进入一个新环境,需要我们进行自我介绍,自我介绍是人与人进行沟通的出发点。写自我介绍时总是没有新意?以下是为大家收集的考研英语自我介绍,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 考研英语自我介绍1 God oring, dear profesorsThnkyuforgivng m the pporunit to ae his ieriw I a姓名,raduatngfrom he eartent of专业 大学University. oinoa middlclassfamily in 城市,省份,I have been ifluend by my fthers kn inteest in 学科. taces学科 in nirsiyand alwas tells me alo abou 学科内容.Treo,when ws lttl kid, I njoyedradnstrisabouhe 学科,rom.to. Thats y I ecied take 学科 as ajin universy.I a pen-mnd, uck in thoug nd ve fond f 学科. In spatim,a broad ntersts lie many other set. ike reading books,epcalltse au学科I also ik Englis vey much, ndav pass CT6 this last year,but do think theres tll along way tog, I w v u nglih sty, a Ill kep imroving oral andlistengaiity. Thank y veruh fo yourie and attention. 考研英语自我介绍2 Intoduc ylfGod mrning, tahers ! ts rl myreaonr t behre for thentviw.My nme is YnPe,24yers old. Icoe frm nS What pln urn gratdsty lif, I ul l tl you that ursue lw is e f ylflong goal,Iike my or acotin nd wont veup,if can urue my ter deree here I il come lwih my former eucain. Iwillwrk hardr in tese ields ,ptent,trademark, copright. bout haatr cant describe it well, buIknow a optiistic ndnfidt. SomeimesI preferttyalone, reaig,listenng o musi,buI am notlonly,I iktochatit m clsmate,lmt tk vrtig ,mft pastime is sngigsos, plaing ards osurfing olne. ouh clelife,I earn ow o balnceben suy and eertnmnt. enerally, Imahrdworkigpersonwith a strong snse of esonsibility. like calnges i ylf ad woultr m best to ovrcome th diffulieshat myencounter in futre. Ths is be itrodutin f mself. Iftere i anyrer dtiyo wold lietkow bot me, lease el free oask.Than yu or yur tm!
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