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蒀9袁1莈?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?葿?This icy force both Foul and Fair?膆?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain羆冰雪的力量 危险而又美丽combining?蒇全神贯注!放手去爱!袂 18羇寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她肅 10聿?Has a frozen heart worth mining?袃2蒀?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?袀一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘羁?This icy force both foul and fair?蝿全神贯注!放手去爱!蚈 19薇冰雪的力量 危险而又美丽袄 11羅?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear?莅3螄?Beautiful! Powerful!?聿凿穿冰封之心 冰冷又剔透蚂?Has a frozen heart worth mining?薀美丽!强大!肇 20肁一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘腿 12膆?Strike for love and strike for fear?肈4薆?Dangerous! Cold!?螄为了爱 不畏恐惧肇?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear?薂危险!寒冷!腿 21蚅凿穿冰封之心 冰冷又剔透蚀 13蒈?Theres beauty and theres Danger here?膀5薀?Ice has a magic Cant be controlled?袇危险而又美丽葿?Strike for love And Strike for fear?肄寒冰的魔力无法被掌控蒂 22薅为了爱 不畏恐惧薅 14薃?Split the ice apart!?蒄6螀?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten?袈打破寒冰结境芀?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer?蚇 胜过一人 胜过十人芅 23袀一双善于发现美丽的眼睛螆 15薅?Beware the frozen heart?芇7莄?Stronger than a hundred men!?蚃小心冰封的心芃?Split the ice apart?衿胜过一百个人!艿 24莀打破寒冰结境肈 16羇 Come on, Sven!羇8蒈?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain螅?And break the frozen heart?combining?芄快跟上 斯文!膃寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她蚃 25羂融化冰封之心罿 17蚀 Elsa. Psst!蒅埃尔莎 喂!膄 34肅 Gotcha!肃26节 Do the magic! Do the magic!莄接住啦!螂 Elsa!羈快用魔法! 快用魔法!葿 43螇埃尔莎!蚆 35荿 Again!膇 27羃 Ready? Uh-huh.膅再来一次!袂 Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!莂准备好了吗?啊哈蒀 44袂醒醒 醒醒 快醒醒!荿 36膁 Wait!膈28膄 This is amazing!膇等一下!蚅 Anna, go back to sleep.螂真是太神奇啦!芅 45袅安娜 回去睡觉蒁 37袁 Slow down!羂29螀 Watch this!虿慢一点!蕿 I just cant. The sky is awake, so Im awake.袆看这个!羆 46莇我睡不着 天醒着 所以我也醒着聿 38莅 Anna!蚄 30袅 Hi, Im Olaf and I like warm hugs.节安娜!肂 So, we have to play.膁嗨 我是雪宝 我喜欢热情的拥抱莁 47羀我们得起来玩游戏袂 39罿 Anna!螅31螈 I love you, Olaf!蒅安娜!莃 Go play by yourself.羅我爱你 雪宝蚃 48膂自己玩去吧薂 40衿 Mama! Papa!膇32芀 Hang on!螈妈妈!爸爸!薆 Do you want to build a snowman?薇等一下!薄 49膁你想堆雪人吗?羅 41肄 No, no.节33羃 Catch me!薁不,不 .薇 Come on, come on, come on, come on!肂接住我!蒇 50羄快来 快来 快来 快来!莆 42薄 Youre okay, Anna. I got you.莂救救我们的女儿!芁 67芁你会没事的 安娜 我陪着你肄 Its my daughter!蒃生下来就有的 而且越来越强大螀 75螂 59薈 You are lucky it wasnt her heart.罿51莇 Its the King!羇真幸运,魔法并没有伤到她的心芆 Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out ofhand!膃他是国王!袄 68蚄埃尔莎,你做了什么?你的魔法又失控了!螃 60蝿 The heart is not so easily changed,蚂 52芀 Trolls?莇心里的伤可不容易被转变蚁 It was an accident. Im sorry, Anna!膆山精?肇 69艿这是个意外 . 对不起,安娜!芃 61肁 But the head can be persuaded.螄 53膄 Shush. Im trying to listen.蒁但头里的问题还是有办法的肃 Shes ice cold. - I know where we have to go.羂嘘! 我正听着呢肆 70膈她浑身冰凉 -我知道我们得去哪腿 62膆 Do what you must.肈54莃 Cuties. Im gonna keep you.蒂做你必须做的袄 Ice?芁小可爱 我要把你们留下来衿 71蒄冰?莀 63腿 1 recommend we remove all magic.袀 55羈 Your Majesty.芆我建议消除她身上所有的魔法袆 Faster, Sven!蒃陛下袃 72羄再快点 斯文!蚂 64蚁 even memories of magic to be safe.袄 56肁 Born with the powers, or cursed?袈甚至那些关于魔法的记忆,为了安全起见莈 Sven!螇与生俱来的力量还是诅咒?莆 73衿斯文!螇 65芄 But dont worry, Ill leave the fun.肄57肃 Here, here.聿但别担心,我会留下那些快乐的记忆羁 Please! Help!蕿过来 过来蚇 74肀请帮帮我们!蝿 66莆 She will be okay.蚈58袇 Born. And theyre getting stronger.莁她会没事的膃在此之前蒆 But she wont remember I have powers?蒆但是她会忘记我拥有魔力吗?膁 84蝿 ?Its like youve gone away?螁 76艿 well lock the gates. Well reduce the staff.蚅你就像消失了一样芈 Its for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,薃我们会锁上城门 裁去城内人员螂 93蒈这样最好 -听着 埃尔莎芃 85葿 ?We used to be best buddies?薆 77薁 We will limit her contact with people膇我们曾是最好的伙伴膂 Your power will only grow.蚇减少她与别人的接触蒄 94羀你的魔力只会越来越强大薆 86袂 ?And now were not. I wish you would tell me芇78why?蚆 There is beauty in it.莃 and keep her powers hidden from everyone.袀但现在却不是了 我希望你能告诉我为什么薃你会发现魔力的美好蚈不让任何人知道她的魔力袈 95蚆79荿 87蒇 ?Do you wanna build a snowman?膄 But also great danger.莅 including Anna.羂你想堆个雪人吗?羃但同时也伴随着巨大的危险蒃包括安娜芀 96膂80聿 88莆 ?It doesnt have to be a snowman?莈 You must learn to control it.袇 Elsa?芅并不是一定要堆个雪人啦芇你必须要学会控制它膄埃尔莎?肂 97肃 81薂 89蚁 Go away, Anna荿 Fear will be your enemy.蒀 ?Do you wanna build a snowman?肈走吧 安娜肀恐惧会成为你的敌人蕿你想堆个雪人吗?肄 98羆 82膇 90膂 ?Okay bye?膃 No. Well protect her. She can learn to control it.蚂 ?Come on, lets go and play?肂好吧 拜Im sure.袁来吧,我们一起来玩螀不 我们会保护她 她会学会控制它的 我确定肇 91薆 99蒈83羆 ?I never see you anymore. Come out the door?肇 The gloves will help. See节 92芁带上手套就没事了 看到了吧螅 Until then,螂我好久没见到你了 快点出来吧芀三年后腿100肁?Just watching the hours tick by?腿拜托了 我知道你在里面芈 See? Conceal it -Dont feel it芁仅仅看着时间滴答滴答地走过袆看到了吧?隐藏它 -不要去想它荿 109袈 117莁101羅 Im scared. Its getting stronger!袂?People are asking where youve been?薀 Dont let it
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