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Books name: Gullivers TravelsAuthors name: Jonathan SwiftThe book was published by Tsinghua University Press (2008.5)Abstract1. The country round appear like a continued garden; and the enclosed fields, which were generally forty feet square , resembled so beds of flowers . These fields were intermingled with woods of half a stag , and the tallest trees , as I could judge , appeared to be seven feet . I viewed the town on my left hand , which looked the painted scene of a city in a theatre.2. However I made a shift to creep on all four , and shelter myself , by lying flat on my face on the lee-side of a border of lemon thyme , but so bruised from head to foot , that I could not go abroad in ten days.3. Add to all this , the pleasure of seeing the various revolution of states and empires; the changes in the lower and upper world 4. Doubting or not believing, are so little known in this country , that the inhabitants cannot tell how to behave themselves under such circumstances .5. In the trial of persons accused for crimes against the State , the method is much more short and commendable : the judge sends to second the disposition of those in power ; after which he can easily hang or save the criminal , strictly persevering all forms of low. Recently I read a book called Gullivers Travels. In the book, Gulliver came across many wonderful experiences. He went to some isolated societies where he met different kinds of creatures .Rebellion as Gulliver was , he was unwilling to follow in his fathers step, to be a famous doctor . What he liked was to travel and adventure at the sea .By a chance , he found a job on a ship , then he began his adventure. Unfortunately, the ship ran into a strong storm ,and all the people sunk into the water. Another day , Gulliver came to himself on a beach . However , to his surprise , he was tied down to the ground with small ropes, a lot of tiny person walking around him. Later he knew that this country was called Lilliput . After Gullivers endeavor , citizens in this country began to like him. Whats more , he acquainted himself with the king and some officials. In the meanwhile , Gulliver helped to defeat the enemy , put off a big fire , teach the tiny people.However , Gullivers second adventure happened in a giant country . In this country , was much bigger than Gulliver had met. Certainty this bring damager to him. At first he nearly became the childs dessert , then one night , he got into trouble again . He defeated two enormous rats only with his tiny sword. In the following days Gulliver lived under a frightened life , for every creature here could threat his life. Different from the former countries , Gulliver entered a country at his third adventure, where horses were the directors , the creatures similar to men were severed as slavesI spent many weeks finishing the book. The plot attracted me so much that that I can clearly remember the story when I close the book. Whats more, through the knowledge of the authors background ,I also learn a lot under the words. For instance , the plot that the tiny people break out a war just for a ridiculous reason reflects on the reality . At that age ,people who had power and wealth tried to gain whatever they want without thinking of others feelings. Besides, this book reveals peoples evil character. The creatures in Houyhnhnms is the epitome of people who are cruel, crazy and inferior. As far as I am concerned, if man continue to behave like today , maybe in the future , other high creatures will appear, like the giant ,the horse in the book, to direct the world ,at that time man suffer misery what they had ever composed on others.
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