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学习状态: A 进步 B良好 C优秀 课堂评价: 班级:_姓名:_ 六年级课题Unit 7 Its the polite thing to do.(第3课时)课型: 新授 主备: 集备: 审核:【学习目标】掌握以should,must,will 开头的一般疑问句。【课堂研讨】如何回答以should,must,will 开头的一般疑问句。一、 自主探究:写出下列短语1. 在公共汽车上_2.把我的座位让给他_2. 需要的人们_ 4.排队等候_5. 在超市_ 6.保持安静_7. 和别人分享_ 8.友好点_10.耐心点_ 11. 插队_二、合作研讨: 1.写出哪些是礼貌行为和哪些是不礼貌行为。In class: listen to the teacher talk with your friendsIn the classroom : draw pictures on the wall draw picture on the paperAfter class: jump to the stairs (楼梯) walk with friends slowlyIn the supermarket: wait in line push in In the park : sleep on the chair sit on the desk In class: Its polite to _ .It is impolite to_In the classroom : Its _ to _.It is _to_After class: Its _ to _ .It is_ to_In the supermarket: Its _ to _ .It is_ to_In the park : Its _ to _ .It is_ to_【达标检测】A组(30分)小学阶段学的情态动词: can may must should need ,它们后面加动词的原形,它们的否定形式就是在后面加not,变为一般疑问句时只需将情态动词提前。can: 1.表能力 He _ swim . 2.表示可能性 It _ be very hot in summer. 3.表请求 _ you tell me the way to the zoo.may: 1.表示允许或请求 _ I come in?2.表可能 I _ be late, so dont wait for me.must: 1.表示必须、必要 We _ know the traffic rules. 2.表示语气肯定的猜测 The young man _ be our teacher.should: 用于提供或征求建议,相当于“应该” You _ read this book.need: 表示需要,用于否定句和疑问句 You _ come here. (一) 用适当的情态动词填空。1. Must I stand up? No, you _.2. _ I speak something? Yes, you _.3.My grandmother is ill. I _ stay at home and look after her.4. They _ take more exercise.5. _ you tell me the way to the museum?6. The watch _ tell us the right time.按要求改写句子。1. She can walk quickly. She _ _quickly . (否定句)3. They can paint the wall well. (一般疑问句) _ they _ the wall well?4. Tom should carry the box into the room. (否定句) Tom _ _ carry the box into the room. B组 (20分)1. 我们应该在图书馆保持安静。We should _at the library.2. 我们应该在公交车站排队 。 we should _ at the bus stop3. 我们应该在公交车上给老人让座。 We should let the old people take the seat _.4. 我们应该帮助弱小 。we should_ when they are in trouble.5. 我们不应该在公共场所大声说话.We shouldnt_in the pubic place.6. 我们不应该浪费水 。We shouldnt _7. 我们不应该在别人聊天时说话。We shouldnt_ when others are talking.8. 我们不应该随手乱扔东西。We shouldnt throw things _1
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