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人教新起点三年级英语下册连词成句专项攻坚习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 连词成句。1at monkey the Look (.)2so Its tall (.)3is The big pig (.)4I have Can some milk (?)2. old, are, you, How3. is there black only cat one(?)4. the, like, dogs, do, meat(?)5. under, is, cat, the, chair, the (.)6. trigger, it, time, is (.)7. herechildrenCome (,) (.)(写序号)8. an, make, Lets, elephant9. is, This, teacher, a, (.)10. at, blackboard, the, look (.)11. is Lingling This (.)12. lives, a, farm, cow, on, a, (.)13. it, is, wall, a (?)14. friend hes my too (, .)15. you, do, like, exercises, morning (?)16. door, is, The, green, (.)17. to, school, walk, we (.)18. aboyyouAre_?19. I, Lingling, am, Hi (, / .)20. 连词成句。1four it oclock is(.)2a I storybook new have(.)3you for are these(.)4you to meet pleased(.)5my is this grandpa(.)21. is, a, it, schoolbag (.)22. nameisDuckMy23. a dog Its (只填序号)24. Im thank fine you (. .)25. many you boxes see How do (?)26. from, are, you, Canada (?)27. 连词成句。1eat, will, I, you, now (.)(缩写形式)2now, wants, me, but, to, he, eat (.)3bad, is, a, wolf, he (.)4clever, sheep, the, helps, monkey, the (.)5wants, wolf, to, sheep, the, the, eat (.)28. do Mondays what you on do ( ? )29. aboutaWhatsweet?30. isyearsMyoldbrothertwo (.)31. lovefamilyImy (.)32. name Mary my is (.)33. 连词成句。1apples have Lets some (.)2you Do pears like (?)3I dont No (, .)4I Yes do (, .)页码 / 总页数
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