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柱绕流分析一、总体步骤1、在gambit中创建几个模型2、划分网格3、指定边界条件4、建立 fluent(Re=1000 和 Re=1000000)5、求解6、结果分析7、完善网格 二、详细步骤1、建立几何模型,圆柱的半径为1,左端半圆边界为10,影响半径为4,后边界离圆柱中心距离为40,几何模型如下:建立完几何模型后还要建立面,划分区域2、划分直线段后如下图3、进行网格制作后如下图泌 GAMBIT Solver FLUENT 5/6 ID: default_id2O56File Edit Solver4、边BEdgesNameAfarfield 1B,Cfarfield 2D,Efarfield 3F,G,Hfarfield 4I,Jcylinder5数 据回11】fluent,File Grid Define Solve Adapt SurfaceDisplay Plot Report Parallel HelpChecking element type consistencyChecking boundary types:Checking Face pairs.Checking periodic boundaries.Checking node count.Checking nosolue cell count.Checking nosolue face count.Checking Face children.Checking cell children.Checking storage.Done.AGrid SizeLeuelCellsFacesNodesPartitions一01404028308142681 cell zone, 6 face zones.1EI口 FLUENT 2cL dp, pbnsr lam6、define solver properties7、定义材料性质(1) Re=1000Density=500viscosity=1(2) Re=100000Density=500000viscosity=18、操作条件:雷诺数100和1000000相同9、边界条件ZoneTypefarfieldlvelocity-inlet, V v = 1 m/sfarfield?velocity-inlet, V v = 1 m/sfarfield3velocity-inlet, V v = 1 m/sXfarfield4pressure-outletcylinderwall10、求解一一建立解决控制机构一一设立初始条件回 Region AdaptionOptionsInput Coordinates Inside 厂 Outsidein XMax(m)ShapesY Min (m)YMax 窿 QuadL Circle Cylinder0Z Mln (m)110I Mzix (mJQIPatch Region-Manage.1Controls,0Select Points with MouseAdaptMark CloseHelp3.00e-01 2.88e-01 2.79e-01 2 70&-01 2.61 e-01 2一52 皿 2 43e-01 2.34e-01 2.25e-01 2 16e-01 2.07e-01 1 _98e-01 1 _89e-01 1 _80e-01 1.71e-01 1 _62e-01 L5Se-01 1 44e-01 L35e-01 1 26e-01 117e-01 1 _08e-01 9.90e-02 9.00e-02 8.10e-02 7.20e-02 6.30e-02 5.40e-02 4.50e-02 3.60e-02 2.70e-02 1 _80e-029.00e-03 0.00e+00Contours of Y Velocity (m/s) (Time=0.0000e+00)11、(Re=1000)Jan 11, 2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)12、建立收敛度13、建立参考值其中1000雷诺数的与1000000雷诺数的密度不同,流体流速和圆柱直径等相同,下图为设置大雷诺数的截图14、计算机计算Cl1 25001 00000.75000.50000.25000.0000-0.2500-0.5000-07500-1.0000-1.2500-1.5000Lift Convergence History (Time=3.2000e+02)Jan 11, 2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)(Re=1000)Residuals continuity x-velocity vvelocityIterationsScaled Residuals (Time=3.2000e+02)Jan 11, 2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)Cl1.50001.00000.50000.0000-0.5000-1.0000-1.5000Lift Convergence History (Time=3.2000e+02)Jan 11, 2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)(Re=1000000)压强外形(Re=1000)皆 FLUENT 1 Fluent Ire5.00e-01-1 23e+00Contours of Pressure Coefficient (Time=3.2000e+02)Jan 11, 2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)(Re=1000000)5.00e-01-1 23e+00Contours of Pressure Coefficient (Time=3.2000e+02)Jan 11, 2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)涡旋外形3 ContoursOptionsContours ofP FilledVelocity.二|7 Node ValuesP Global RangeVorticity Magnitude十I- Auto RangeMin (1/s)Max (1/sClip to Range|0.0001(2LI匚uraw proiiiesI- Draw GridSurfaces=| =cylinderLevels Setupdefault-interiorK日厂司farfieldl farfield2Surface Name Patternfarfield3,厂Surface Types亶三IMatchaxisclip-surffanTDisplay I Compute I Close I HelpRe=10002一00时001 00e-04Contours of Vorticity Magnitude (1/s) (Time=3.2000e+02)Jan 11, 2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)2.00e+001.00e-04Contours of Vorticity Magnitude (1/s) (Time=3.2000e+02)Jan 11,2001FLUENT 6.3 (2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady)
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