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英语口语自学教材,一片通美语初级口语单词1200个,第13课。as副词 跟 一样地.My bag is the same as yours.我的袋子和你的一样.介係词 当為, 当成, 以 的身份.As a mother, I did not do my best.做為一个母亲, 我并没有尽 (我的) 全力.连接词 跟 一样.at介係词 在 地点, 在 时刻.At night, she always stays at home.晚上 (时) 她总是待在家裡.He is good at math but weak in English.他的数学很好, 但是英文不好 (弱).ate动词 吃(东西), 喝, 进食, 用膳. (eat 的过去式)He ate something before he went to work.他在 (去) 上班前吃了点东西.He ate up all of the food.他吃光了所有的食物.bought动词 买, 购买. (buy 的过去式与过去分词)He bought a new car yesterday.他昨天买了一辆新车.Finally, I made up my mind and bought the new video game.最后, 我决定买下这个新的电动游戏.but连接词 但是.What the boy says may sound like a lie to you, but it is quite true.这男孩所说的听起来像是在对你说谎, 但那确实是真的.介係词 除 以外, 除了.All the students in my class are friendly but him.除了他之外, 我 (们) 班上所有的学生们都很友善.副词 只, 仅仅, 才是.
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