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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?陕西省延安市富县沙梁中学 赵瑞亮教材分析:本课是新目标Go for itBook的第四单元的第一课时,主要内容是谈论物品所在的位置。通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些有关家居物品的单词,以及方位介词in, on, under的用法;学习并掌握Where问句的问答,同时培养学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。 学情分析:学生有比较好的基础,思维活跃,对感兴趣的话题愿意开展讨论,各抒己见,勇于表达自己的想法。但是对于关于Where的特殊疑问句型的运用需要一个从接触到熟悉,再到情景对话需要一个过程;另外,初一的学生对生活的观察尤其是关于家居、物品的摆放,还处于较为被动的状态。 教学目标: 1知识目标:A. 掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair; B. 熟练运用in, on, under介词; C. 熟练运用Where问句及其回答 - Wheres ? - Its in/on/under - Wherere ?- Theyre in/on/under 2能力目标:A. 学会用英语准确描述物品所在的位置; B. 学会用英语询问自己的或他人物品的具体位置. 3情感目标:A. 培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯; B通过小组对话、讨论、调查和设计等一系列的课堂活动,培养 学生的合作精神; C. 能够关注物品摆放的习惯。 教学重点:A. 方位介词: in, on, under的用法; B-Wheres ? Its in/on/under - Wherere ? Theyre in/on/under C 识记、朗读新单词:table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair 教学难点: A. 记住bookcase 的字母拼写,准确读出 sofa, chair ; B 能够运用Where问句询问物品的位置,尤其是复数-Wherere ?-Theyre in/on/under的问答情景运用。 C学会准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置; D关注并理解Wherere= Where are, theyre= they are. 难点突破构想: 1教师在做导入设计和对话示范时规范发音及拼读 2 设计游戏Hide and Seek强化be + prep.结构 3 在口语示范和黑板上展示例句时,引导学生观察其复数结构 教学流程: Step One Warming up 1、Play an English song before class. 2、Revise some school things by asking questions. e.g.: Whats this? Is this a ? How do you spell it? etc. Learn the new words in, on, under by helping the teacher find the lost things. e.g.: T: Wheres my cat? S1: Its here. / I think its T: Oh, its on the desk. T: Wherere my cats? S1: Theyre here. / I think theyre on 设计意图:通过设置让学生帮助老师找东西这样一个真实的场景来导入新课,能够立刻调动学生的参与性,激发学生思维,启动学习的发生。 Step Two Game: Hide and look for things Students hide and look for the school things in pairs. One student hide one school thing and ask: Wheres? The other student guess and answer: Its in your desk. Wherere ? Theyre in/on/under etc. Ask some pairs to share their performance. 设计意图:通过“你藏我找”的游戏,可以强化学生对于对话句型表述的流利度。 Step Three New words learning Show the students a picture of a room, tell them this is a bedroom, let the students list the things in it first. Then show them the whole picture, teach the new words, ask where the things are, let the students answer, using the prepositions. Repeat with a sitting room and a study, teach the new words and practice in the same way. 设计意图:通过大量的情境和图片让学生感知单词后,再呈现新词学习可以减少学生对词汇记忆的恐惧,从而达到“润物细无声”的教学效果。 任务运用:Listing Step Four Match Section A, 1a: Match the words with the things in the picture. Students do it individually first, then check the answers. Step Five Listen and say Listen and imitate the dialogues in Section A, 1b. Step Six Make up dialogues Section A, 1c:Make up dialogues in pairs, using the things in the picture. 设计意图:通过前三步的铺垫,学生对于目标语言已较为熟悉,再经过连线-听、标号-编对话,学生可以不断巩固练习,从而达到熟练掌握。 Step Seven Summary : A memory test Find the diference. Show a picture of a room, give the students one minute to look at it, then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Also,let some other students give the right position on the blackboard. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and places. 设计意图:通过这种活动调动学生的视觉、感觉和记忆力来参与语言活动,并且使本课的主要语言知识得到重现,加深印象;同时,小组之间的竞赛体现了协作和团队精神。 Homework: * Draw a picture of your room, and write the things names besides the picture.(A、Band C students) * Read the new words and the listening meterial. (D、E and F students) 设计意图:语言知识学习与实际生活相结合,培养使用英语的思维。 任务运用: Drawing a picture or Read. 本课设计时,主要运用的是情境教学法,结合初一学生的心理和知识特点,在游戏中掌握词汇及句型,在整堂课中突出听、说、读、写、译的五项学习技能,全面提高学生的语言综合运用能力。在课堂结束前给学生留下思考的时间,总结陈述自己在课堂的收获,最后又引出了情感目标,引起学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。 4
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