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2013学年根河市小学英语毕业检测题类别听力部分笔试部分总分题号一二三四一二三四五六七八得分学校 姓名 考号 -密-封-线-听力部分(共20分)一 选出你所听到的单词,把字母序号填在题前括号里(每小题1分共5分 )( )1. A there B three C here D them ( )2. A cold B cool C coat D cook( )3. A Tuesday B Thursday C Saturday D Sunday( )4.A. pupil B. paper C. people ( )5A. came B. become C. became二、听问句选答语,把字母序号填在题前括号里。(每小题1分共5分)( )1. A Im fine, thanks. B Im eleven. C Im 162cm.( )2. A Im feeling happy. B I have a cold . C Yes, I am .( )3. A Im going to watch TV. B I washed the coat C Im playing football. ( )4. A Its June 19th. B Its Sunday. C Its sunny.( )5. A Yes, I can . B No,Im not . C No, I can. 三、根据你所听到的内容给下列句子排序,在前面的括号里写上相应的1-5个数字 (每小题1分共5分)( ) I went to Harbin.( ) What did you do ?( ) I went skiing .( ) How did you go there? ( ) Where did you go on your holiday?四听录音完成句子(每空一词,每空1分 共5分)Waiter: Good ! Can I you?Girl: yes . I want a ,please.Waiter: Which one , pink or ? Girl: A white one ,please.Waiter: Here you are? Girl: How is it ? Waiter: 10 yuan.笔试部分(共80分)一、 找出下面每组单词划线部分发音不同的一项,并将序号填在前面的括号 里(每小题1分共5分)( ) 1.A. have B. happy C.bad D. game ( )2.A. find B. little C. climb D.Chinese ( ) 3.A. next B. west C. she D. get ( ) 4.A. fun B. study C. duck D, put ( ) 5.A.where B.who C. what D. which二 根据要求写出正确的形式(每小题1分共10分)1.big(写出比较级)_ 2. one(序数词) _3.go(写出过去式)_ 4. run(写出现在分词)_5 bus(复数形式)_ 6. tall ( 写出反义词)_7.踢足球(译成英语)_ 8.play the violin(译成汉语) _9去钓鱼(译成英语)_ 10. can not(缩写形式)_三选择填空,选出正确的,将序号填在前面的括号里(每小题1分共15分) ( )1.-Whose pen is this ? -Its _A.his B. him C. he( )2. I wash clothes tomorrow.A、going to B、am going to C、going to do( )3.There _ some water in the cup.A. is B. are C. be ( )4. -_ is the Great Wall? - Its in Beijing .A . When B. where C. What ( )5.Last week he _ his own spaceship.A. makes B.making C. made ( )6、Listen! She the piano.A、is playing B、plays C、play( )7. .-_ are we going to have lunch? - At 12:30A. Where B. When C. What ( )8. My mother bought a new T-shirt for _. A I B my C me( )9.Its going to _ this afternoon. A. raining B. rain C. rains ( )10.My birthday is June 6th .A in B at C on( )11.I can _ the room. A. cleaning B. cleaned C. clean( )12.-What did you do yesterday? -I _ my grandma.A. visit B. visiting C. visited( )13.I like playing _ football. A. / B. the C. a( )14.I went shopping my mother.A、with B、in C、at( )15、Ill go to Yunnan November.A、in B、on C、at四、情景交际 选择合适的答语,将序号填在前面的括号(每小题2分 共10分)( )1.Whats the matter with you ? A.Yes, I want a blue pen.( ) 2.Can I help you? B. Nice to meet you .( ) 3.What does your father do ? C.Hes a teacher.( ) 4.You speak English very well. D. Thank you.( ) 5.This is my friend Tom. E.Ive a headache.五、找错 把错误的选项序号填在题前的括号里(每小题2分共10分)( )1. What do you do last night ? A B C( )2.Hes father is from Shanghai. A B C( )3.Shes going to watching TV this afternoon . A B C( )4.I often visit my grandma on summer . A B C( )5. My bag is big and heavier than yours. A B C六、句型转换(10分)1、Are you doing your homework at home ?(肯定回答不少于三个词)2、Jack is flying the kite now .(对画线部分提问)3、He goes to work at 7:00.(改为一般疑问句)4、I have lunch at 12:00 noon. (对画线部分提问)5、Do you like winter?. (否定回答不少于三个词)七阅读 判断正误(每小题2分共10分)Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Jack?Jack: Yes, this is Jack. What are you doing, Mike?Mike: Im watching TV. What are you doing? And what is everybody doing?Jack: Just fine. Im doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister.Mike: What do you do on the weekend?Jack I visit grandparents and go shopping.Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park?Jack: Sure. What time?Mike: At 1:30.Jack OK. See you later.Mike: Bye.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 填在题前
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