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2022年考博英语-东华大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Hot metal _ as it grows cooler.问题1选项A.contractsB.reducesC.condensesD.compresses【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项contract“收缩、订约”;B项reduce“减少”;C项condense“浓缩、凝结”;D项compress“压缩、压紧、精简”;句意:热金属一变冷就收缩。因此该题A项正确。2. 单选题If a couple are divorced and their child lives with his mother, he is said to suffer from lace of _ love.问题1选项A.maternalB.fraternalC.paternalD.parental【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项maternal“母亲的、母性的”;B项fraternal“兄弟般的、友好的”;C项paternal“父亲的、父亲般的”;D项parental“父母亲的”;句意:如果一对夫妇离婚了,他们的孩子和他的母亲住在一起,那么他被认为缺乏父爱。因此该题C项正确。3. 单选题The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject. Too close a relation, and the write may lose objectivity. Not close enough, and the writer may lack the sympathy necessary to any effort to portray a mind, a soul-the quality of life. Who should write the biography of a family, for example? Because of their closeness to the subject, family members may have special information, but by the same token, they may not have the distance that would allow them to be fair. Similarly, a kings servant might not be the best one to write a biography of that king. But a foreigner might not have the knowledge and sympathy necessary to write the kings biography - not for a readership from within the kingdom, at any rate.There is no ideal position for such a task. The biographer has to work with the position be he or she has in the world, adjusting that position as necessary to deal with the subject. Every position has strengths and weaknesses to thrive, a writer must try to become aware of these, evaluate them in terms of the subject, and select a position accordingly.When their subjects are heroes or famous figures, biographies often reveal a democratic motive: they attempt to show that their subjects are only human, no better than anyone else. Other biographies are meant to change us, to invite us to become better than we are. The biographies of Jesus found in the Bible are in this class.Biographers may claim that their account is the “authentic” one. In advancing this claim, they are helped if the biography is “authorized” by the subject; this presumably allows the biographer special access to private information. “Unauthorized” biographies also have their appeal, however, since they can suggest an independence of mind in the biographer. In book promotions, the “unauthorized” characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress. A subject might have several biographies, even several “authentic” ones. We sense intuitively that no one is in a position to tell “the” story of a life, perhaps not even the subject, and this has been proved by the history of biography.1. According to the author, an ideal biographer would be one who_.2. The author cites the biographies of Jesus in the Bible in order to show that_.3. Which of the following statements in is true, according to the passage?4. An unauthorized biography is likely to attract more readers because_.5. In this passage, the author focuses on_.问题1选项A.knows the subject very well and yet maintains a proper distance from himB.is close to the subject and knows the techniques of biography writingC.is independent and treats the subject with fairness and objectivityD.possesses special private information and is sympathetic toward the subject问题2选项A.the best biographies are meant to transform their readersB.biographies are authentic accounts of their subjects livesC.the best biographies are those of heroes and famous figuresD.biographies can serve different purposes问题3选项A.An authentic biography seldom appeals to its readers.B.An authentic biography is one authorized by the subject.C.No one can write a perfect biography.D.Authorized biographies have a wider readership.问题4选项A.it portrays the subject both faithfully and vividlyB.it contains interesting information about the subjects private lifeC.it reveals a lot of accurate details unknown to outsidersD.it usually gives a sympathetic description of the subjects character问题5选项A.the difficulty of a biographer in finding the proper perspective to do his jobB.the secret of a biographer to win more readersC.the techniques required of a biographer to write a good biographyD.the characteristics of different kinds of biographies【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题解析】判断推理题。题目说的是在作者看来,一个理想的传记作者会是什么样的人。定位到原文的第一段的第二句和第三句,可得知与研究对象过于亲密,作家就会失去客观性,与研究对象不够亲密,作家就会缺乏同理心。太近或者不太近都会有其弊端,因此要把握好这个度。选项A的意思是说很了解这个研究对象,并且能够把握好这个距离。选项B、C和D都比较片面,因此答案为A。2.【试题解析】作者意图题。题干中问的是作者选择圣经中的耶稣传记目的何在?根据原文定位到第三二段中的“they attempt to show that their subjects are only human, no betterthan anyone else.”选项A的意思是最好的传记旨在改变读者,原文并没有提到评判传记的标准。选项B的意思是传记是被研究对象的真实生活写照,这句话的意思是正确的,但是
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