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四年嫉下学期期中浏试(二)_Whai do you2. do you -1 canjuwnc flowcn; under I he.I Maths aixi PE. At six twenty. How nice.姓名:得分:听力寺分(36分)笔送部分(64分)()6.A. What lessons do you like?B. Whal subject do you like?C. What do you like?二.听来音,根据所听酥序把下列图片排序。(12分)三.所聚音,判断所听内容与所崎语境是(T)等(F)和符.(8分)听录音,逸也你所听当的内容.(6分)()1 . A. TueulayB. IhursdayC. Wcdrxsdiiy()2. A. ScieiureB. MusicC. Maths()3. A.go to schoolB.go to bedC.go home()4. A.ncar the hillB.on the lakeC.on the river)5.A. Whal can you over (here?B. Whai can)ou do?C. What can you see on ibe river?()L你想曾逋现在是几点神.你会说:.()2.你想古诉别人你有一场足球比赛,你会说:.()3.你允得真说窝,你会说;.()4.你想第避别人是五下午有什么课.作会月:.()5.攻迎同学们&别学枝.你会说:.()6.你告诉别入河里有一些鸭孑,你令说:.()7.你想如透别人几点仲起床.你会说:.()8.你觉得这件事很简单.你会迫:.四.听录音,完成对话.(10分)-What is it?-押斯后级部分的读音是(T)否(F) 一敢(8分)根糖首字毋及上下文,完成句子。(8分)()1 getok()2. xka(ecm()3. dweegiven()4.帽desk()5. cakemake(6. tenrod()7. caphjimburgcr( bagsnuck1. What sdo you like?2. Lets go and dsome pictures.3. We dont have any Ion Salunday.4. Welcome back to s.5. Ifs limcfPE.6. I like H very much.7.1 usually w TV in【he evening.8.1 can see a boat on the I.二. 隼攻逸择题。(8分)()1. When do you go home?.A.ai five B. Ils five C. On five()2.-LetS go and play football. I luive a swimming lesson.A. All right B. SureC. Sorry.()3.-do you like?I like apples.A. Whal lessoox B. Whal subjects C. WTial()4. There are some lives over ilxre. Can)ou draw?A. themB.tbcnC.it()5. We have three lessonsMondtiy morning. ?nd we have iwo lessons(lie afieriKxxi.A.in;inB.on;inC.on:on()6.desks can you see over there? Three.A. How manyB. WhoseC. Whal()7. Whalis it?Ifs a cake.A .dayB .timcC./()8.-Can I play basketball? Yes. A. I canB.you can C.it is按共家改写句子.(10分)sing. He can do (he housework and play chess. He alu can cook the meal. But Jujia cant cat aikl sleep. Man1 likes Jiajia very much. Theyre good friends.()1. Mary is a lovely.A.girlB.boy C.roboi()2. Jiajia is Maiy*s.A .catB.dogC. robot()3. Jiajia k 1.5 meters.A.longB.tallC.big()4. Jiajia can do.A.nothing (没*事情)B.evcrthing (切) C.many things(许多事情).()5. Jiajia canI .A.cat and sleep B.cai ClccpI. WhutXthc day today?(写出同义句)day il xhy?2.1 can make a cake. (Ft 或获疑何句)make a cake?3.1 like EngliUi and Music.CA分提问)do you like?4. We luve xonie lesxoas m Sundays At 为否尤句)We have kssons on Sunday.5- Wang Bing has a basketball match.(Jf I 普换 Wang Bing 风与句子)a baskeiball match.五.根据中丈丧承完成句子.(10分)I.树下你看到了什么?我看见了一些花Whai can you seethe?I can see some.2 .你什么时候馈家庭作业?一下午五点。 do you your?At five the afternoon.3.邪边有一些小船,你会囱明?有点垂,但我会汶试。_There arc someover there. Can you draw*hs difTkult.but i cun .去.改锋。(1。分)1.1 dp mehome wortevery day.ABC()2. Liu Ta)hagawimiti 曲ABlessonCuxlay.()3. Whalde you 密 ABQD cthe lake.(M. Lei* Ago and drawseineBnieture in Cthe park.(七.)5. WhaQ A阅读皴文,lessongdoB逸择正确的答彖。hyouha、c Ctoday?Mary is a lovely girl. She has a robot named Jiajia. Jiajia is 1.5 mcicrs tull. Hes very cute. He can (ulk and
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