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团风县2013 年春小学英语毕业考试模拟试题一、 看图片找出正确的选项。(10分)( )1. A.turn left B.turn right C.go straight( )2. A.tired B.angry C.excited( )3. A.sprout B.seed C.plant( )4. A.play the piano B.play the violin C.play the Erhu( )5. A.go ice-skating B.go boating C.go skiing二、 找出不同类的单词。(10分)( )1.A.taller B.short C.sister D.older ( )2.A.did B.have C.went D.sang ( )3.A.tired B.angry C.sad D.headache ( )4.A.family B.policeman C.engineer D.cleaner ( )5.A.east B.west C.straight D.south三、 选出正确的答案。(20分)( )1. I am 45kg.Amy is 42kg.Im than Amy. A.smaller B.heavier C.thinner( )2. I like _ to music.A. listeningB. listensC. listen( )3. I want to find a good book.Im going to the . A.cinema B.library C.museum( )4. My throat _ sore, my nose _.A. is, hurtB. are, hurtsC. is hurts( )5. When are you going to Hong Kong? Im going _.A. this weekendB. by planeC. yesterday( )6.-_did you go on your holiday? -Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ( )7.Did John the room? A.clean B.cleans C.cleaned( )8.I some presents for my parents yesterday. A.buy B.bought C.buys( )9.Mike went hiking his friends last Sunday. A.and B.for C.with( )10.He failed the Math test. He feels very . A.happy B.sad C.excited四、 读一读,选一选。 (10分) ( )1.I like collecting stamps. A.我昨天划船了。 ( )2.What did you do last weekend? B.你洗衣服了吗? ( )3.Im 2cm taller than you. C.我喜欢集邮。 ( )4.Did you wash your clothes? D.上个周末你做了什么? ( )5.I rowed a boat yesterday. E.我比你高2厘米。五、 看图将下列句子补充完整。(10分)1. A:How do you go to Canada?B:I go there .2. A: is John?B:Hes 165cm tall.3. A:Whats the matter?B:My leg .4. A:Did he go simming yesterday afternoon?B: ,he .5. A:What did he do yesterday?B:He .六、 读句子,选出合适的答语。(10分) ( )1.What did you do yesterday? ( )2.Where are you going this afternoon? ( )3.How did you go to Beijing? ( )4.Did you have a good time? ( )5.How heavy are you? A.I went there by train. B.Yes,I did. C.I played football. D.Im 50kg. E.Im going to the bookstore.七、 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(10分)1. does, Amy, How, feel ( ? ) 2. go, on, Where, you, your, did, holiday ( ? )3. thinner, I, than, am, him ( . )4. did, last, read, you, weekend, books ( ? )5. look, so, you, excited ( . )八、 读句子,选择相应的图片,将序号填在括号里。(10分)A. B. C. D. E.( )1.Im going to the cinema with my mother tonight.( )2.My brother saw pandas yesterday.( )3.We sang and danced in Xinjiang last weekend.( )4.Jacks father is a doctor.He works in a hospital.( )5.She cleaned her room yesterday.九、 阅读下面的短文,判断题后句子正(T)误(F)。( 10 分)Larry goes to many places.Sometimes he flies,sometimes he travels by train.Sometimes he takes buses and sometimes he goes on foot. Its a tiring job but he enjoys it.Larry is a happy traveler.Last week,he came to China.On Monday,he arrived at Beijing.He came by plane. He visited the Summer Palace.On Tuesday he visited the Great Wall.On Wednesday he went to the Palace Museum.He saw beautiful houses.On Thursday he went to the Chinese Ethnic Culture Park.He sang and danced. He had a good time.He wrote to one of his friends,”There is so much to see in Beijing. I just dont have enough time.” He took many pictures in Beijing.He bought some presents.Of course he ate good food, too. Beijing duck was his favorite. Larry went shopping every day.On Friday he went to Xian by train. ( )1. Larry came to Beijing by train. ( )2.Larry went to the Great Wall on Tuesday. ( )3.Larry saw beautiful houses in the Chinese Ethnic Culture Park. ( )4.Larry took many pictures in Beijing. ( )5.Larry stayed in Beijing for three days.
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