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六年级英语总复习卷(上册)Name:_ Clas:_听 力 部 分一、Listenn ho(听录音,选出跟录音相符的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。()1、:hme B:cinea C:pia()2、A:sto :ai : go ( )3、A:factor B:shool C:mu()4、A:plyinbasketblB:aynchesC:plang computermes( )5、:at 2:30.m B:3:0. C:at:.m.( )6、:Its Suda :Its suny C:Its col.( )7、:Teare goto pnt lr. :y aegoigoplt veetals :heyae gino plnt ts.( )8、:widow :spr C:wnw ( )9、A: have19. :I ve15. C: hve13.( )10、:irst B:scon :fur二、Lisenganjude(听录音,判断句子或图片的与否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。三、Listen adswer(根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在题前的括号里。)( )1.A:No6 b B:ous :No26 bus( )2.:arah B:Chen ie C: my( )3.:es, it ner. B: , ifar. :o,is ar.( )4.:thome. B:t :00pm. : te boksoe( )5.:Thank yo. B: birthda, to! C: Happ Year四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整。(每空只填一词)1、 How_ t to t zo? ou cango y_2、 hee is the _,lse? s ear te _3、 Is our hera _? N, hes _.4、 os yr aher lik _ kies? No, he _ lain basetbal.5、 Look, thre ar _ oys _ gls in h ar.五、Liste an udge.(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错)( )、My ant iretty. ewokson V( )2、My uncles awreHewries oies( )3My ws n ngGa ,but y uc wosinShanghai( )4 Theg o wok lae.( )5 y un isbusy. 笔 试部 分六、根据短文的意思,选择恰当的单词填入横线中。(0分)(ak tak ak aks a work wors lks lk is ae come com udy )na and ay re oo ens.Lnd s Aerican grl M _ fom Lonon. The _ inthsme choo ndrents_ ina chool Tey tehnglsh Th_coi nd ing Cines od.Te ca spk hinese.Marys oter sa saspon S _batifl use and ress Marysfr _ n a facy H_ca.He_ dihosework.w e _din the diheshey re goin t_ r ext eed.七、看图回答问题。(10分)1、Wes youmthe do? 2、Whatyor ister bby?3、ryu ging t ea a bo tonigt?4、Whre i thpst offc, plese?、H oe ikgo to scool? 八、补全对话。(分)m: _?eter:Hes my rothr.om: _?: Yes,hs a octor.e wrks n a _om: _?er:No, he _t woko foo.Tom: _?Peter:Heiging trawctr thi wenTo: hankyeter:_ _九、按规定写一篇作文。(1分)规定:写一封信给你的妈妈,向她简介你的好朋友A。(涉及她的名字,上学的交通方式,会作什么?爱好,下个周末的筹划。正文内容不少于五句话。)十、阅读短文,判断对错。(10分)Aunes brthdai cmin. She ille 40 yearsd. he yDdsister.ad a Mmre ggto t m to house.Wee ging her by suay. Weae leaving on FridvinAndwe omig ack o udayateroon. Te bithday party willb naturay I amgg to gve he a cr. I am makng t nw 1、Aun Jani 39 n.( )、regngthe by bus ( )、W re going o ae rip this weend. ( )4、An anoes vewith u. ( )5、I oin t b acard to myaut( )答案一、 2、B 3、B 4、C、 6、 7、 8、B 9、C 1、B二、isten and j1、htareyu goigt do ? I am gog to see tdctr 2、 he ar going tte prk?I am gogothe pak in hemorning . 3、re yu gon to schoolomoro? o,Im ging o tzo. 4、Whatar yougoin bynteooktre? m goingoy a Cnese ngsh tiy. 5、Watdos doonthe ekend? He usalydos homwork 、ni dsins cs. edies car work 、 fath i a eacer. He tc Egs. 8、M osnstal ad stogHesfoa player. 9、he is a alespern 1、M birthy si smer .ts onildren D ay 三、Lin and swer1、How can we et thezoo? W an te.26bs.Quetion: ich b ak?2、 ks eding tryok.Srah ls rding ewsperChejie ikes aidictonar.Queston: Who lis radg toryboo?3、you o far from schl?4、 Wh au goino buy asoybook?5 、Hay bitha yo, Amy!四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整。(每空一词)w can I gt toth zo? Yocan go by tain.he th hosital ,plese? tearthe bokstre. s yor motera tch
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