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单元整合训练(二)语言知识练再落实.单句语法填空1The explorer(explore) told of his adventure with great circumstance.2The new law provides for equality(equal) of human rights.3The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor(compete)4All those around him looked at him with amazement(amaze)5The injured(injure) passengers were rushed to the hospital.6She cant bear being looked(look) down upon by others.7The shy boy does not have confidence(confident) in himself.8Its time to put an end to the meeting.9Several members of the family got involved in the crime.10It is generous of you to give me a hand.完成句子1再给我一个小时,我会完成工作。Give me one more hour,and Ill get the work finished.2两座楼之间有棵大松树。Between the two buildings stands a tall pine.3做决定的时候,学生应该考虑一些因素。When making decisions,students should consider a variety of factors.4有那么多的作业要做,我一点玩电脑游戏的时间都没有。With so much homework to do,I dont have any time to play computer games.5穿白色衣服的学生是我的女儿。The student dressed in white is my daughter.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成写作任务1在我看来,我叔叔是一位具有良好品质的人。(in ones opinion,character)2在紧急情况下,他会保持镇静。(keep calm)3有一次,他从大火中救了一名伤员。(get injured)4此外,他还经常力所能及地帮助残疾人。(the disabled) 5社区的人们都佩服他的慷慨行为,他被提升为社区主任。(admire.for.,promote)提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 【参考范文】In my opinion,my uncle is a man of good character.And he is always keeping calm when in an emergency.At a time,he saved a person who got injured in a big fire.Whats more,he often does what he can to help the disabled.Therefore,all the people in the community admire him for his generosity,and he was promoted to be president of the community.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解There have certainly been records that have been hugely popular and some of those have had a message.Can there be many songs that really did change the world? Did they really change the hearts and minds of ordinary people?There is one,Goettingen,which did,but its hardly known now.Even though France and Germany are neighbors,there was bad feeling between them 50 years ago as a result of World War .Into this area of hatred and anger stepped a singer with a gentle voice.Barbara was her stage name.She took it from her Russian grandmother.She was born in Paris in 1930.She was Jewish and so a target (目标) for the Nazis.But,twenty years after the end of the Second World War,she travelled to the German city Goettingen.She fell in love with the city and its people and recorded the song Goettingen,first in French and then in German.It moved her German audience at the theatre.The song became a hit.A street was named after her.The city gave its Medal of Honor to her.The songs popularity made an important contribution to repairing FranceGermany relations.One of the people in the audience was a student by the name of Gerhard Schroeder.He later became Chancellor of Germany.He said:“I was a college student when she came to sing.It went to our hearts,the start of a wonderful friendship between our countries.”Listening to the song today,its easy to understand its attraction then.It is still a beautiful song of love,although it is a bit sad in parts.Barbara had much to be sad about.She was extremely frightened by the war.In Germany,she was loved for the love she had given to the people.In France,she was a star.Streets were named after her there,too.A stamp had her face on it.When she died in 1997,250 thousand people went to the funeral (葬礼)Lionel Jospin,who served as Prime Minister of France from 1997 to 2002,once said:“Barbara was a woman who knew suffering and understood the suffering of others.”【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章介绍了在二战后让德法人民冰释前嫌的一首歌曲以及它的歌唱者Barbara。1The author raises questions in the first paragraph to .Aintroduce the topicBexpect an answerCcriticize some songsDsupport his argumentA推理判断题。作者在首段用提问的方式引出本文的话题:一首改变世界,感动德、法两国普通民众心灵的歌曲。故A项正确。2What do we know about Barbara?AShe was born in Russia.BShe was a popular German singer.CShe had suffered a lot during WW .DShe came to Germany soon after WW .C细节理解题。由倒数第三段的“Barbara had much to be sad about.She was extremely frightened by the war”可知,Barbara本人也饱受战争摧残。3According to the text,Barbaras Goettingen Ais a very cheerful songBwas first recorded in GermanChelped bring France and Germany closerDwas more popular in Germany than in FranceC推理判断题。由第五段中的“The songs popularity made an important contribution to repairing FranceGermany relations.”以及Gerhard Schroeder所说的话可知C项正确。4It can be learned from the text that ABarbara died in her eightiesBa French city was named after BarbaraCBar
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