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http:/cooco.net.cn 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数完形填空(每小题 1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (一) 分数 Have you ever planted some trees on Tree Planting Day? Every year millions of people both 1 plant a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make our home a 2 place. Last week we visited a city in Hebei. We were all 3 to see a lot of trees burning near the hills. We drove there and asked why the workers there told us that the trees 4 soon after they were planted. 5 they burned them and cleaned the place for planting 6 trees this year. We found a card and it 7 “I hope this tree will grow up with me to 8 the backbone(栋梁)of our country.”The workers said that it was important for us to plant more trees but making them alive was more important.Some people now have a new idea that they can donate(捐赠)some money and let professionals(专业人员)plant and 9 the trees. Because they have more knowledge about planting trees and can do 10 than us. Do you think so?( )1.A.students and teachers B. the old and the youngC. boys and girls D. mother and father( )2.A.smaller( )3.A.pleased( )4.A.died( )5.A.Though( )6.A.few( )7.A.said( )8.A.need( )9.A.take out( )10.A.goodB. warmerB. happyB. grewB. WhenB. oldB. toldB. holdB. take downB. betterC. greenerC. surprisedC. goneC. BecauseC. newC. spokeC. plantC. take awayC. wellD. largerD. gladD. disappearedD. SoD. deadD. wroteD. beD. take car ofD. best 完形填空(一)15 BCCAD 610 CADDB (二) 分数 The purpose(目的)of students 1 come to school is to study. But 2 needs right way or we would waste the time or the money. The followings are ways for studying.The 3 time for reading is morning. Because in the morning the air is fresh and our minds are clear. For that reason we can get good results.When we study we must be patient(有耐性的). If we dont understand a text well we must read it again. We should not read the next 4 we have learned the first one well.When we are studying we must put our hearts 5 the book. We cannot read absent-mindedly(心不在焉地) or we could get 6 from the book while we are reading.We must always ask “why”. If it is not 7 understood write it down and ask our teachers or parents brothers or friends in 8 possible way. We must know it completely and then our knowledge can 9 well.Though there are many ways for studying 10 the above mentioned(提到的)will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart.( )1.A.whoB. whoseC. whichD. they( )2.A.studiesB. be studyingC. to studyD .studied( )3.A.goodB. betterC. bestD .bad( )4.A.asB. untilC .afterD .if( )5.A.inB. intoC. toD. on( )6.A.somethingB. anythingC .everythingD. nothing( )7.A.wellB. goodC .niceD .true( )8.A.someB. anyC. aD .many( )9.A.useB. usedC. been useD. be used( )10.A.butB. howeverC. howD .still (三) 分数 Mr Brown was a rich shopkeeper. He 1 a lot of money to his son Jim when he was dying. The young man often 2 his friends to dinner and several years later he spent all the money on the 3 food. Now he got into trouble and nobody came to him. It made him 4 and he went to ask a clever old man for advice.“My money has 5 and my friends have gone” said the young man. “What will happen to me now?”“Dont 6 young man” answered the old man. “Everything will soon be all right again. 7 and you will soon feel much happier.” 8 this the young man was very glad. He asked “Am I going to be 9 again if I dont like working?”“No”said the old man.“I 10 you will soon get used to being poor and having no friends.”( )1.A.lentB.left C.borrowedD.got( )2.A.madeB.hopedC.askedD.pulled( )3.A.commonB.cheapC.terribleD.delicious( )4. A.sadB.happyC.politeD.careful( )5.A.begunB.been used upC.hurriedD.flown( )6. A.worryB.sayC.smileD.sing( )7. A.StandB.StudyC.WorkD.Wait( )8. A.SeeingB.TouchingC.HearingD.Feeling( )9. A.safeB.dangerousC.richD.poor( )10.A.thinkB.wishC.understandD.surprise(四) 分数 There was a robbery near Harrys home one night. Harry was looking out of his window 1 .He saw a robber run out of a shop and he saw the robber 2 his mask(面具).He saw his face.Harry told his father what he had seen. When the police came Harry and his 3 went to talk to them.“I saw the robber” Harry told the police.“I can recognize(认出) him. He was about 4 . He 5 a big red nose. His ears were big. He was quite tall and thin. There is 6 wrong with his right leg.”“ 7 do you know that?”one of the policemen asked.“He limped(跛行)”Harry said.“What was he wea
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