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三年级下册英语Unit 2 In the library 第二教时教学目标:1. 能会用简笔画画标识牌,并能用本单元主要语言进行表达。2. 会对四会单词书写教学准备:1. 多媒体、写有Dont shout/run/. . .的条形卡。2. 拍摄一些不文明的画面。教学过程:一、Greetings二、Review1. 出示句型条形卡,指明学生认读句子。2. Listen and actT: Stand up.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .T: Dont stand up.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .T: Open your books.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .T: Dont open your books.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . . . . . . .3. 播放Cartoon time 的动画,学生给画面配音。三、Fun time1. Draw and say1) 教师在黑板上画人物shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink的简笔画,学生说出相应单词。教学 “drink ”2) 请学生上台在每个简笔画下写出单词。2. 就“shout”示范标识的制作。T: We all know what we shouldnt do in the library. The boy is shouting. What should we say to him?Ss: Dont shout.教师示范画标识。3. 学生分组讨论、合作完成其他标识(引导学生模仿老师的简笔画)4. 小组活动,谈论制作好的标识卡片四、Consolidation出示一些公共场合中的不文明现象的照片或录像,引导学生出示标识卡并说话:1. 戏院里T: At the theatre. People are watching movies, and someone is talking. What should we say to him?Ss: Dont talk here.2. 公交车内T: On the bus. A child is running. What should we say to him?Ss: Dont run here.3. 公园里T: In the park. A girl is sleeping on the bench. What should we say to her?Ss: Dont sleep here. . . . . .五、Homework.1. 用制作的标识卡玩游戏,读读做做2. 抄写四会单词。友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编辑,期待您的好评与关注! /
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