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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上夏洛特的网台词There was nothing special about Somerset County.苏塞特郡没什么与众不同It was a deeply ordinary place.是一个非常平凡无奇的地方No astonishing thing ever happened there.没有发生过惊天动地的事The people who lived there were just regular people.住的都是些凡夫俗子And the animals.Well, they were just plain old animals.至于动物们.也是再普通不过的了They didnt question the order of things他们从来也不多想什么So, the days passed, one very much like the other.生活就这么日复一日 年复一年But, one spring, on a small farm,然而某个春天 在一个小农场里a little girl did something,有个小女孩做了一件了不起的事something that would change everything.这件事改变了一切What are you doing?你要干什么Fern, go back to bed.菲恩 回去睡觉吧Youre not going to kill it, are you?你不会是要杀了它吧Its a runt. Now, go back to bed这只太瘦小了 你快回去睡觉No, its not fair! It cant help being born small.不 这不公平 它也不想这样的Careful.小心If Id been born small, would you have killed me?如果我出生时也很瘦小 你会杀了我吗Of course not.当然不会A little girl is one thing.A runty pig is another.瘦小的女孩是一回事,瘦小的猪仔是另一回事Theres no difference!This is unfair and unjust.没有差别 这样不公平How could you be so heartless?你怎么能这么狠心I want to show you something.过来 让你看些东西You see that? You see?看到了吗Theres 11 pigs and only 10 teats.有11只小猪 但是只有10只乳头Sow cant feed it, honey.猪妈妈没法喂养它Then I will.那我来27Ill feed you and take care of you and.我会喂你 照顾你 而且.absolutely will not let you kill him.绝对不会让你杀了它- Hey! When did Fern get a pig? - 嗨 菲恩什么时候得到了一头猪- Avery, its rude to point. Give me that. - 艾弗里 这样指人是不礼貌的 把它给我Come, sit, eat your breakfast. The bus will be here any minute.过来坐下 吃早饭 校车就快到了Good morning.早上好Hey, Pop, can I have a pig, too?嗨 爸爸 我也能有一头猪吗No. I only give pigs to early risers.不行 早起的小孩才有猪猪抱Fern was up before dawn, ridding the world of injustice.菲恩天没亮就起床抗争不公正的世界Fern, put that pig downand get to school.菲恩 放下小猪 去上学Avery.艾弗里- See ya.- Bye, Pop.- - 再见- 爸爸再见Have a good one, buddy.过的开心Says here were gonna geta lot of rain this month.据说这个月经常要下雨啊Fern! Your books!菲恩 你的书Bye.再见Class, these are some of the questions同学们 这里的题目that youre likely to be askedin the exam this week.是本周考试题的一部份So, please take particular noteof every one.所以你们要详细地记下每一道题You got to be quiet, okay?Youre gonna get me in trouble.安静一点好吗?不然我会有麻烦的Drink that.喝吧So, its just a matter offollowing these questions所以只要理解这些题目and learning the answers.而且要知道如何解答 Fern, whats going on?菲恩 发生什么事了Nothing没事Fern, whats in your desk?菲恩 桌子里是什么- Nothing.- Open it.- - 没什么- 打开桌子Thank you, Mrs. Arable.谢谢你 Arable太太Fern, you know better.菲恩 你自己知道Its a pig, okay?Its not a toy, not a doll, not a baby.这是一只猪,不是玩具 不是洋娃娃 更不是小孩子A pig.是一只猪And you need to starttreating it like one.你必须把它当猪对待This is going too far.这太离谱了I know she loves animals,but you have to tell her.我知道她喜爱动物 但是你必须让她知道- I know. Shes just so happy with it.- I know.- - 我知道 但是她很开心- 我知道Doesnt that feel good?感觉舒服吗Fern, Im really sorry, honey,but its been long enough.菲恩 宝贝 我很抱歉但是已经够久了What?什么Look, hes not a baby anymore.你看 它已经不是小猪仔了I cant have you keeping what will soonbe a 300-pound pet around the house.我不能让你在家里养一只将会长到300磅的宠物No.不Cant he stay in the barn? Please, Dad?它不能住在谷仓里吗 求你了 爸爸- No.- Please?- - 不行- 求你了No. Fern, look.You know Ive been selling the animals不行 菲恩你知道我们一直靠出售牲口to get the new harvesting equipment.来购买新的耕种器具Pretty soon theres gonna be no place in the barn for a pig.很快谷仓里就放不下猪了I promised Id take care of him.我答应过要照顾它Well, Im letting you out of your promise.我同意你不守承诺7I didnt promise you. I promised Wilbur.我不是答应你 我答应过威尔伯What about Homer?给霍默吧He has animals.他养动物的Uncle Homer?霍默叔叔Im sure he could make room for a pig.我确定他有地方可以养一头猪Yeah.是啊Hed be right across the road.他就在路对面Go to sleep, my little one睡觉吧,我的小宝贝The sun has said goodbye for now太阳已经下山了The moon shines on your beautiful face月亮照耀着你美丽的脸盘My mom used to sing that to meto make me feel safe.妈妈过去常唱给我听让我觉得安心Good night,晚安Wilbur.威尔伯Fern had walked across the road to her uncles barn hundreds of times before,菲恩曾经无数次穿过马路去霍默叔叔的谷仓but it had never felt so far away.从来没觉得有这么远It was just a big red barnfull of typical stuff.这只是一个装满普通杂物的红色大谷仓Come to think of it, it couldnt have been more ordinary.它再普通不过了But sometimes,when you take two ordinary things但是有时候 在适当的时机and put them together at just the right time,将两样普通的东西放在一起theres a chance theyll become two less ordinary things.可能它们就不会那么普通了That runty pig, for instance,and that big old smelly barn.比如说 那只瘦小的猪和那个年代久远发臭的大谷仓One sniff, and you knew it was a place full of living things.嗅一下 你会发现这里住了很多活物But that didnt necessarily mean it was full of life.并不是说这里充满生机Its okay. Its okay.这里还可以Nope. For that, this barn needed a pig. 不对 因此这里需要一头猪This isnt so bad.这里还行Only no one knew it yet.只是现在还没谁知道Dont be afraid.别害怕Youll be okay.你会过得好的
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