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单元:Unit 1 课题: The kings new clothes 课时: 2 课型: 新授 【教学目标】(一)知识目标1. 掌握动词be的过去式和规则动词的过去式词尾变化的两种形式,即加ed的和以不发音字母e结尾的加d的动词的过去式形式及其读音和用法。2. 通过说一说,演一演学习Fun time,能够运用相关语言组织对话并进行表演。3. 通过小诗和图片的呈现,帮助学生了解小诗的内涵。通过朗读,体会字母组合ar的发音规律和小诗的韵脚。(二)能力目标1. 能通过细致观察总结一般过去式这一语法知识点,学会总结归纳。2. 通过小组合作学习,能表演“皇帝的新装”这则寓言故事。(三)情感目标 能够在表演过程中体验到乐趣,喜爱用英语来对话表演。【教学重点】1. 掌握动词be的过去式和规则动词的过去式词尾变化的两种形式,即加ed的和以不发音字母e结尾的加d的动词的过去式形式及其读音,并能正确使用。2. 通过说一说,演一演的形式完成Fun time,能够运用相关语言组织对话并进行表演。【教学难点】能够正确使用过去式。【教学准备】录音机,教学挂图。【课前先学】导学案P3自主先学【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Check the answer of preparation.2. Present the learning aims.a. I can use “was”, “were”, “looked”, etc.b. I can say and act the story “The kings new clothes.”c. I know the sound of “ar”.3. Review story time. (Retell the story.)Step 2. Presentation & Practice1. Grammar time Present the sentences of P9T: Look at the blackboard. Who can read these sentences?(1) Circle the past tense of each sentence.(was, were, visited, liked, looked, shouted, pointed, laughed)(2) Write the verb of each past tense.(is, are, visit, like, look, shout, point, laugh) (3) Sum up the structure of the past tense and their pronunciation. iswas arewere looklooked /t/ livelived /d/ pointpointed /Id/(4) How to use the past tense.(4) Finish the exercises of the teaching book P13Check the first learning aim and tick.2. Fun timeT: Weve retold the story. Now, lets say and act the story.(1) Look at the picture and describe the characters. E.g. T: The king.S: Beautiful clothes/ foolish/ fat/ (2) Finish the dialogue in pairs.(3) Work in groups and act out.Check the second learning aim and tick.3. Sound timeT: Can you read them correctly?(1) Find out the same part “ar”(2) Read after the tape.(3) Sum up the pronunciation of “ar”.(4) Have a competition(5) Present some other words includes /a:/ and read. (bar, farm, dark, hard, mark, )Check the third learning aim and tick.Step 4. Production1. Show four pictures of the story “Cinderella”.2. Talk about the pictures using the past tense.3. Show time(1) Make a dialogue in groups.(2) Act out.小组汇报展示自主先学部分,其他组员认真倾听、评价并进行纠正朗读learning aims明确学习目标用复述课文的方式复习第一课时所学的寓言故事,同时引出故事中叙述的几个过去式,为讲解过去式做铺垫。圈出每个句子中的动词过去式的同时提醒学生注意表示一般过去时态的时间状语long long ago和one day。请学生将词尾是ed的过去式读一读,并在小组内讨论总结其读音:清辅音后的ed读 /t/浊辅音或元音后读/d/t/或/d/后读/Id/学生通过观察总结归纳过去式的用法。学会自己归纳整理。鼓励学生根据图片,发挥想象力,拓展对话内容,丰富人物的语言和动作。小组合作表演对话,给予“Good, Great, Excellent”不同层次的评价。组织学生在小组间开展绕口令比赛,增添学习趣味,激励学生开口说。让发音较好的学生做示范,其余学生边听边体会字母组合ar的发音。学生自己总结归纳整理其他含有字母组合ar且读音为/a:/的单词并且读一读,体会发音规则。看图说话或编对话环节提供一些词汇和句型帮助学生更好地完成语言输出。让学生体会创作和表演的乐趣。作业设计1. Make a dialogue according to Fun time or some other stories.2. Finish the exercise of the second period. 完成导第二课时教后反思
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