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哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文附录ALOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATIONJankowskikp. Inversedynami cstaskcomtrol off lexible join trobotsparti:continuoutimeapproach. discretetimeapproachJmechanismmachinetheory,1992:88-92 Abstract: Discussed the development of technology to enterprises Pro/ENGINEER secondary importance. 3D CAD made in the software development process should be carried out two notable problems, such as system development purposes, the development of tools used. By the author based on Pro/TOOLKIT tool Pro/ENGINEER tracked vehicle drivetrain system technology in the secondary development of the application modelling, further elaborated the development, implementation Pro/TOOLKIT two basic steps to prepare documents and sources, enforceable documents generated, registration and operation of critical technologies. Finally, the author through the development of practice proved Pro/ENGINEER second development is designed to enhance the capacity and efficiency of the necessary means.Keyword:Pro/ENGINEER;secondary development;models modelling1the former statementWith computer-aided design and manufacturing technologies supporting rapid development in expanding its field of application, the engineering industry and the manufacturing industry has undergone profound changes, which is shown in the structural design of the product is particularly notable. 3D modelling technology, design parameters, such as new technologies and virtual reality technology concepts, new methods have permeated the traditional structural design, and play an unprecedented role in the promotion of engineering and technology development.PTC is the company Pro/ENGINEER modern CAD system representatives, which spearheaded the introduction of the revolutionary design concepts - based on the parameters of the design characteristics, leading to the development of modern CAD trend. Its main feature functions : the relevance, based on the characteristics of the model parameters modelling, advanced information management systems and project management database to use the assembly. Its easy to use, can function in a variety of hardware platforms. Allows users to simultaneously complete the industrial design, structural design function, simulation processing manufacturing, shortening product development time and process.But just because such a Pro/ENGINEER software and Bo interoperability, it can not be directly applied in the specific handling of specific products because of the design requirements are vastly different enterprises owned design resources and design environment are also different, coupled with external design concepts, standards and internal differences, in the use of the specific software product design will not feel some special convenience. For this reason, in order to enable enterprises to Pro/ENGINEER software design specific products to maximize the potential of creating efficiency, the need for a second Pro/ENGINEER development. Pro/ENGINEER is to further enrich and improve, improve, and become applicable CAD/CAE/CAM user applications.2Attention should be given to issues in the second development.2.1 Clear the purpose of the secondary development.Prior to the development of products specifically designed for the nature and capacity, thus establishing the functional design of products, design theory and the required human and material resources, but also to consider updating and future products to market to maintain long-term availability and vitality products.2.2 development tool choice.Self-developed software products to be compatible with others, with special attention to the resources in the establishment of a database information system, development of software to be in the final build to prevent the transmission of data between different software can not change the basic parameters of the problem, attention should be paid to solving system-data interfaces. Solutions usually use proprietary interfaces with the media and neutral paper as a central database for data transmission data exchange access.2.3 customized standardized application environment.In order to accommodate all the designers in a line with the internationalstandard working environment, and to ensure the correctness of the design of products, standardization, standardization Pro/ENGINEER users need customized application environment, including setting standards for the working environment, such as the definition of the three documents and set models templates.2.4 tracked vehicle drivetrain system modelling development thinking.Many companys of products mostly stereotyped products, the mass production of such products, generic, and the high degree of standardization. These products used in the design of mathematical models and product structures are static, only different sizes of the structure of different products, the size and structure of the differences were due to the same number of known conditions in the differen
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