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2022年考博英语-扬州大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题In Western history, work was not only a useful activity, but( )which carried with it a profound satisfaction.问题1选项A.the oneB.oneC.activityD.work【答案】B【解析】考查语法结构。当先行词是不定代词the one,something等时,不能用引导词which而应该用that,所以A选项可首先排除;填空处应填入代词来指代前面提到的work,所以选项B正确;填入D选项重复,所以不正确。句意:在西方历史上,工作不仅是一种有用的活动,而且还带来了一种深深的满足感。本题选择B选项。2. 单选题Mr. Gore says the increasing( )of bush fires in Australia is an example of how quickly the climate is changing.问题1选项A.viciousnessB.ferocityC.maliciousnessD.malevolence【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项viciousness“邪恶,恶意”;B选项ferocity“凶猛,残忍”;C选项maliciousness“恶意”;D选项malevolence“怨恨,狠毒”。句意:戈尔说,澳大利亚越发肆虐的丛林大火是气候变化速度之快的例证之一。这里是指火势很猛,所以选项B符合句意。3. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)At its most fundamental level, a theory is a set of statements about natural phenomena that explains why these phenomena occur the way they do. In the sciences, theories are used in what Kuhn calls the job of “puzzle solving”. By this Kuhn means that scientists look at observable phenomena as puzzles or questions to be solved. Why does the earth revolve around the sun and not fly off into space? Why are humans bipedal but the other primates are knuckle-walkers? These are all questions about things that confront us everyday, and it is the job of scientists to account for them.In short, then, the first duty of a theory is to account for or explain observed phenomena. But a theory ought to do more than that. A theory also ought to make predictions about what would occur under specific conditions. Lets look at one familiar example.In the early part of the 19th century, scientists were already aware of the presence of microorganisms in the air and water, and they had an idea about the connection between the organisms and disease. However, they had no idea of how they came into existence; indeed, belief in the spontaneous generation of these organisms was widespread. “Bad air” was thought to cause disease. Careful experimentation by Louis Pasteur and other scientists demonstrated that microbes, though carried by air, are not created by air. Living organisms come from other living organisms. These discoveries led to the development of the germ theory of disease, which proposed that disease was caused by microorganisms. The acceptance of this theory had obvious important applications in public health, such as the development of vaccines, hygienic practices in surgery, and the pasteurization of milk. It not only could explain the presence and spread of disease, it could also predict, for example, that doctors who delivered babies without washing their hands after performing autopsies (尸体解剖) on patients who had died from childbirth fever would transmit the disease to new patients. Even more important, the same theory could be used to connect phenomena that on the surface appeared unrelated, such as the transmittal of disease, fermentation processes in wine and beer production.【答案】从最基本的层面来说,理论是一套关于自然现象的陈述,用来解释为什么这些现象会以这种方式发生。在科学领域,理论被用于库恩所谓的“解谜”工作。库恩的意思是,科学家把可观察到的现象看作是谜题或待解决的问题。为什么地球绕着太阳转而不飞向太空?为什么人类是两足行走,而其他灵长类动物是用关节行走?这些是我们每天都要面对的问题,而解释这些问题是科学家的工作。那么,简而言之,理论的首要职责就是说明或解释所观察到的现象。但理论所做的应该不止这些。理论还应该预测在特定条件下会发生什么。让我们看一个熟悉的例子。早在19世纪初,科学家们就已经意识到空气和水中存在微生物,他们对微生物和疾病之间的联系有了一个想法。然而,他们不知道它们是如何形成的;事实上,人们普遍相信这些生物是自发产生的。“糟糕的空气”被认为会导致疾病。路易斯巴斯德和其他科学家经过仔细的实验得出证明,微生物虽然通过空气传播,但不是由空气产生的。生物体来自于其他生物。这些发现导致了疾病的微生物理论的发展,该理论提出疾病是由微生物引起的。接受这一理论在公共卫生方面有明显的重要应用,如疫苗的研制、外科手术的卫生规范以及牛奶的巴氏杀菌。它不仅可以解释疾病的存在和传播,它还可以预测,例如,接生完之后未洗手的医生在对死于分娩发烧的病人进行尸检之后,会将疾病传染给新病人。更重要的是,同样的理论可以用来联系表面上不相关的现象,如疾病的传播,葡萄酒和啤酒生产中的发酵过程。4. 单选题Practicing mindfulness and meditation is becoming increasingly popular among lawyers in order to( ) so much of the stress that goes along with a career as an attorney.问题1选项A.aggravateB.alleviateC.deteriorateD.diminish【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项aggravate“加重,激怒”;B选项alleviate“减轻,缓和”;C选项deteriorate“恶化,变坏”;D选项diminish“减少,缩小”。句意:练习专注和冥想受到了越来越多的律师欢迎,他们以此来减轻伴随律师这个职业的诸多压力。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题One child per family has become the( )of family in most cities in China.问题1选项A.standardsB.criteriaC.normD.I tried hard【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项standards“标准;规格”;B选项criteria“标准,条件”;C选项norm“标准,规范” D选项touchstone“试金石;检验标准”。句意:一个家庭一个孩子已经成为中国大多数城市的家庭标准。A, B, C选项都有 “标准”的意思,它们的区别是:standard指法定的或一般公认的标准,用途比较广泛,criteria指有特殊的确实性,令人信服而用以判断,norm是一种社会习惯(标准),指规范、基准、定额、分配之工作量、准则。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题Since market reforms were instituted in the late 1970s, China has been among the most rapidly growing economies in the world, regularly( ) 10 percent GDP growth annually.问题1选项A.exceededB.exceedingC.has exceededD.having exceeded【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语。句意:自上世纪70年代末实行市场改革以来,中国一直是世界上增长最快的经济体之一,每年的GDP增长率经常超过10%。句中已有谓语动词has been,所以填空处应填入非谓语,由此可首先排除C选项和D选项;其次,这里应使用现在分词形式表示超过的状态,而且超过是主动语态,所以选项B正确。7. 单选题Love is the mos
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