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第二讲怎样保住“基本分”审题要“准”,词数要“够”审题是写好作文的第一步,也是关键一步。下笔千言,离题万里,作文将会被打入冷宫;词数不够,无话可说,势必影响得分档次。所以作文首先要从如何审题、如何拟点、如何凑够词数、保住基本分抓起!写作技法指导近几年全国卷基本上都是书信,可划归为提纲类作文,但开放性在增大,例如2017年全国卷完全可以划归为半开放类作文。这样非常容易出现两个极端,一是审题不准,脱离情景和要求自行立意,天马行空,随意发挥;二是篇幅过短,除了对提示部分的简单表述外,不知写些什么来充实文章。一、如何审题审题是写作的前提、关键。认真审题,确定体裁、格式、主体时态、要点要求等内容,做到心中有数。明确哪些内容需要表达,哪些无需表达;哪些需要详写,哪些需要略写;哪些内容可以整合。在动笔前,要通过审题避免出现各类问题,要看清题目,全面了解写作要求,理清写作思路。1.审体裁,避免格式错误近几年全国卷书面表达主要为书信(包括电子邮件),前几年书信的格式基本都已给出,但2016、2017年全国卷都没有给出书信的格式。这就要求我们要注意书信如何开头,如何结尾。书信的一般格式如下:Dear XXX,_Yours,Li Hua2审时间,避免时态错误 与汉语不同,英语中的句子是有“时态和语态”的,而时态与时间密切相关。因此动笔之前,一定要注意结合提示中提供的或明或暗的“时间”或“场合”,正确判断谓语动词的时态,这是句子的核心,不可小觑。通常情况下,如果文章中动词的时态和语态错误过多,阅卷老师往往会认为考生的写作水平较低,这会影响到作文的“定档”。例如2017全国卷告知下次上课的时间、地点、内容应用一般将来时,建议课前准备应用一般现在时。3.审内容,避免要点缺失遗漏要点是写作大忌。通常,阅卷老师评分时首先要做的就是判断文章的要点是否全面。一篇文章如果要点不全,即使语言正确,结构合理,连贯通顺,也不可能得高分。例如2017年全国卷的要点有五个:1.告知写信的目的下次上课计划;2.上课时间和地点;3.内容:学习唐诗;4.课前准备:了解唐朝的历史;5.希望。但是有的同学漏掉了上课内容,应该算是一个重大的失误。4.审语气,避免直白生硬由于书信种类很多,包括求助信、申请信、建议信、咨询信、邀请信、感谢信、致歉信、慰问信、投诉信、求职信等。不同的书信应用不同的语气。例如2017年全国卷是一封邀请信,开头可开门见山,结尾可用一些表示期待的语句。Im writing to tell you good news that our schools table tennis team is admitting new members.Im writing to invite you to join our schools table tennis team which is now under recruitment.I wish you success in your application!二、如何“凑”够词数在试题“注意”中有明确规定:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。这里既规定了词数,又指定了充实文章的方法,即“适当增加细节”。下面介绍几种常见的“增加细节”的方法,然后依据这些方法对习作进行修改。 1追加成分在要点基础上适当增加合乎逻辑的附加成分,如定语(从句)、状语(从句)、非谓语动词、独立主格结构等。不仅增加了词数,而且使表达更清晰、准确,主题更突出。示例1(开设英语电影欣赏课)建议多选择英语电影。 As a young student,I suggest that the teacher should choose more English films that appeal to us teenagers,thus making English learning more interesting.示例2(演讲注意事项)要面带微笑;要讲慢些,讲清楚。Be sure to wear a smile on your face when you speak,which will make you relaxed.Besides,remember to speak slowly and clearly so that you can leave a good impression on the audience and judges.2.补加语句根据行文走向,适当增加一些与主题相关的语句,或由要点衍生的句子,既能起到前引后联的作用,又能补充一些相关信息,帮助读者理解所写内容。示例1(提醒考生注意)要按时进入考场。Be sure to enter the examination room on time.Whoever is late wont be allowed to enter.示例2(谈论善款用途)募捐得来的钱将送给急需的人。The money collected in the charity sale will be sent to those in great need.This will not only help them through difficulties,but also give them warmth and happiness.3.添加过渡根据行文或段落需要,在句与句或段与段之间适当增加过渡词语,甚至过渡句,可以使文章浑然一体,同时能充实文章。示例1话题:我最喜欢的季节(2016四川卷)The Season I Like Best Summer is my favorite season of the year.The reasons are as follows.Firstly,there is plenty of fun for teenagers in summer,including going camping,going to the beach,going swimming at public pools and travelling locally with friends.Secondly,summer vacation is the longest of the year.As far as Im concerned,every summer I stay at my uncles house in the country for three weeks and enjoy a wonderful life there.I can also catch worms that are not found in winter.In addition,I can see different kinds of beautiful birds.I think summer is certainly more fun than the other three seasons.I like summer best.示例2话题:祝贺朋友获奖(2017长春七校第一次联考)Dear Peter,Congratulations to you on your winning first place in the Chinese Speech Competition held recently.It is no wonder that you have made such great progress in your Chinese study, because you have always been working hard and are never willing to give up.To be honest, what I admire most is your hardwork and determination.Its from you that I have learned a valuable lesson, that is,“No pains, no gains.” Therefore,I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for what you have taught me.Wish you more advance in your study!Yours,Li Hua4.不忘收尾书信中“适当的结尾”也是必需的,它不仅符合书信习惯,而且还可增加词数。缺失就会影响文章结构,从而影响得分。书信常用的结束语如下: Im looking forward to./Looking forward to./Look forward to.Im waiting for your early reply.Best wishes to you.I would be grateful if you./Id appreciate it if you.应用落实体验A(2017昆明两区七校模拟调研考试)假如你是李华,你班的美国交换生Tom结束了在你校一年的学习,即将回国。你和同学们打算于12月30日下午在班上为他开一个欢送会(farewell party),特写信邀请他参加。要点包括: 1.时间和地点; 2.感谢Tom的帮助; 3.美好祝愿。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom, How time flies!Its one year since you came to study Chinese in our school._Yours Sincerely,Li Hua考生作文Dear_Tom,_How_time_flies!Its_one_year_since_you_came_to_study_Chinese_in_our_school. In the past year,you have helped us a lot in our
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