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Unit10 Why was it built?(第四课时 教学设计)1、教学内容本课时系教材英语2(基础模块 高教版)第十单元的第四课时,包括vocabulary consolidation and unit task两个部分内容。这部分内容对本课中出现的单词和词组进一步进行复习和巩固,并复习了本单元的语法点:一般过去时的被动语态,最终实现单元任务描述你最喜欢的著名建筑物,并设计海报。这些内容总结了本单元的重要词汇和语法,并在所设置的真实的场景中完成任务,从而达到综合运用本单元所学语言的能力。2教学重点、难点教学重点(1)通过小组竞赛,学习巩固词组。(2)通过设立真实情境(作为旅行社导游,完成三个著名建筑物的解说词)(3)通过单元任务(设计一份世界著名城市建筑物的海报),提高学生综合运用语言的能力。教学难点 (1)学生能准确运用一般过去时的被动语态完成三个著名建筑物的解说词。(2)学生能够运用本单元所学的关于描述著名建筑物的语言知识完成一个真实的任务, 即设计一份世界著名城市建筑物的海报二、教学目标知识目标(1)学生能掌握描述建筑物历史的单词:name, design, locate, complete, discover, build, rebuild etc(2)学生能熟练运用描述建筑物历史的句型,如:It was started in It was completed in It was designed by能力目标(1)学生能在所创设的情境中正确使用一般过去时的被动语态。(2)学生能对世界著名建筑物做简单的解说。 情感目标(1)学生能在所设置的真实任务活动中,与组员积极配合,积极承担责任和义务,共同完成任务(2)学生在任务活动完成后建立自信心,并具有成就感。Step One lead-in1. Make a one-minute presentation of our school.(Choose three groups) (设计意图: 让学生演讲介绍学校历史的同时检查了学生简短语篇的写作任务,并为下一个环节的演说词做了铺垫) 2. Work in groups to form as many collocations as possible.holdcompletebuild( 设计意图:本环节是复习常用的动词搭配,通过小组活动、小组竞赛的方式,培养了学生的词汇学习策略,并有效地激发了学生的记忆想象思维)Step Two Complete the commentaries 1. Give students three commentaries of the famous building. 2. Individual work. Have students read them and grasp the proper form of the verb. 3. Practice in pairsStep Three Description 1. Individual work. Students choose one of the famous buildings and describe it, using the sentences we have learned. 2. Group work Students describe the famous building in turns. 3. Guessing game The lead of the group make a speech about the famous building, and let the other group guess: Whats the name of this famous building?( 设计意图:从个人描述到小组描述,让学生进一步熟悉运用本单元所学的句型和词汇进行著名建筑物的介绍。同时通过小组竞赛,充分激发了学生积极参与活动的兴趣)Step Four DiscussionTalk in pairs about a famous place of interest in your city /country.1. Give a demonstrationWhat is it called?Its calledWhen was it built?It was builtWhat was it used for?It was used for2. Practice in pairs3. Act in pairs.( 设计意图:此环节进一步巩固复习了本单元的句型和重要语法知识点:一般过去时的被动语态)Step Five Unit task1. Group work. (Group in four)Let students choose one of the favorite cities in the world.2. Group work Have students choose a famous building in the city, and collect the pictures and information. Remember to find the following materials:When was building built?What was the building used for? Why was the building built?Who designed the building?Why was it famous ?3. Put together the material you find and make a poster4. Choose the best poster in the class.(设计意图:小组成员交流意见,决定所学的最喜欢的城市,最喜欢的建筑物,培养 团队合作的意识。本环节需要上网查询资料,在学校条件不完善的情况下,建议事先让学生做好查询资料的环节。因为查询资料,分析收集有效信息也是培养学生自主能力的很重要的方式,同时让学生学会学习,学会分析,归纳,并与小组成员共同努力,获得成就感和归属感)Step Six Homework1. Show the picture of the National Library of China again. Give more information about the National Library of China. Let Ss (group in four) design a poster for it.2. Finish the rest of the exercise of this unit.(设计意图: 在上一步学生设计著名建筑物的基础上,请学生为国家图书馆设计海报广告语, 教师可提供多张成功的海报设计,引发学生学习兴趣.,同时鼓励学生课后到学校电子阅览室收集资料,整理资料,并在创作中发挥想象力,鼓励学生大胆创新) 板书设计 Unit 10 Why was it built Group Score1 2 3 4 What is it called?Its calledWhen was it built?It was builtWhat was it used for?It was used forWhy was it famous ?教学反思本单元的教和学,充分体现以生为本理念,以学生兴趣为切入点,设计了竞赛、做导游进行解说、设计海报、总结汇报等系列活动,并通过两两合作,小组合作等多样化方式互相学习、互相竞争,有效完成听、说、读、写的任务;学生提高了获取信息并进行整理、归纳、和分析能力,并在真实职业情境的创设下,完成各项任务,有效地培养了学生的英语口头表达能力,想象能力,并了解了古今中外的著名建筑物,开阔了眼界。
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