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小学英语四年级上复习资料: 姓名: 连词成句:1、 you a tiger got Have ?_2、have got I points twenty-two . _3、at zoo big lions Ten the . _4、see can fifty I tigers ._5、tree a in Sixty parrots ._6、at people the Look the in park ._7、rowing boat a are dragon They ._8、doing they are What ?_9、it too doing You are ._10、you in food England fast got have ?_11、making some and I soup am noodles some ._12、you flute the play can ?_13、cooking she vegetable is ._14、Daming football can play ._15、zoo to going are go they to the ._16、high jump you Can ?_17、draw can She dragon a ._18、row We a can boat . _19、Daming He with is football playing ._20、I some fish can have ._21、the play Can you flute ?_22、hill down He going is the ._23、birthday many there How are ?_24、am picture I taking ._25、is grandma my this ._26、am too hungry I . _27、toy with am a I playing train . _28、doing you what are ? _29、at the the people park in look ._30、at this look man . 75、 swim he Can ?_31、 you do want rice some ? _32、 can row a I boat ._33、are you making what ?_33、you jump can far ?_34、are you am I and swimming swimming too ._35、you fast got in England have food ?_36、you can a cake make Sam ?_37、a boat cant row I ._38、Tom is doing what ?_39、is please the where supermarket ?_40、the near house it is ._41、letter a grandma my is writing ._42 、the talking friend Amy to at the ._43、the people tree look under at the . _44、bus get the Lets on ._45、at on the look people lake the ._
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