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改错与校对练习PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION Passage OneIt is very difficult imagine an educational system which transmits values 1._ seriously in conflict with that of the government and the state, or which 2. _ contributes nothing to training young people for their future adult work-roles. However, educational systems are often only partial successful. This is partly 3._ because people have different views of what elements of culture ( norms and values) should be stressed on, and what skills are useful. Such disagreement has 4._ a fundamental basis in social structure of modem Britain because there is often 5. _ a contradiction among the two functions of socialization and training. This is 6. _because the two functions are not easily separate in practice. The norms and7. _values transmitted to any group of children have to be somehow relating to the 8. _ kinds of skills they taught. The culture of the aristocracy is not the same as9. _that of working-class neighborhoods in the inner cities. Similarly, training fordifferent sorts of work need to be different: to be proficient in Latin is not 10._useful to the shop assistant, just as expertise in woodwork is irrelevant to a university teacher.Passage TwoAs people live in a fast-moving world where tensions build up, die effects of long-distance miming are uplifting. Each hill is approached as a positive challenge, causing the runnerto grow strongly with each stride and leading him to tranquility and harmony. 1. _Long-distance running that helps a person to forget pressure on family2. _ problems as well as job related annoyances. An example comes quickly in3. _ mind. One day I had a really terrible fight with my landlady over some foolishincident. I screamed and yelled at her but she very nearly threw me out. A few4._minutes later, I set for my daily run. By the end of the first mile, the argument5. _ seemed like the bad dream. At the end of the fourth mile, I was 6. _ full with feelings of remorse and forgiveness towards the landlady. I saw how 7._unreasonable I have been, I stopped at the local flower shop and bought my 8._landlady a beautiful rose. which I immediately gave her I stepped inside the 9. _house. Running has that kind of effect on most runners. It makes us feel positive and serene. Incorporating long-distance running into a daily routine will significantly change a runners life. I do not know whether it comes from following a strict routine the improved physical condition of the runner. 10. _But I do know that people quickly become addicted to the sport.Passage ThreeWhat is drug? Most of people probably think theres a perfect simple1. _ answer to this question. In fact, if one carries a quick survey on any street corner,one finds (hat, according to vast majority of people, there are two groups 2. _ of drugs: those prescribed by doctors, and those people take for non-medical use. As medicine and medical profession are generally self-respectful, there3. _ arent any objections to the use of prescribed drugs. What moat people dont realize is (hat when prescribed drugs are usually beneficial, they can also 4. _present a serious problem. There were many people addicted by tranquillizers5. _ before doctors began to prescribe them: now there being literally millions who6. _depend on (hem. An acceptance of the use of drugs for non-medical reasons is largely a matter of a culture. Some Eastern people think the use of alcohol with7._horror, mainly as a result of religious upbringing. However, these similar 8. _ people freely use marijuana without a second thought, and this, in turn, isnt accepted in Western culture which accepts alcohol. In most Western societies, the9. _tea- or coffee-break s now a part of the life, And huge quantities of these drinks 10. _ are consumed daily.Passage FourIn a competitive and fast-paced modem society, busy business executives are so engrossing in (heir work that they hardly know what 1. _ the word leisure means. The higher an executives position is on the business ladder, the more hours he spends on his work. With a view to gaining greater corporate standing or a big pay rise, he, as a rule, far 2. _exceeds over the 40-hour working week.3. _The additional stress and tension as well as the shortage of suitable 4. _ rest and recreation very often have a disastrous effect on his health. Few such executives realize that unless they learn how to relax, they will soon run of steam before they get to the top of the executive ladder. A noted 5. _American authority on leisure has said that “The key to rela
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