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Trade Standard of the Peoples Republic of ChinaJTJJTJ 044-89Anti-seismic Design Code for Highway EngineeringIssued on 01-01-1990Implemented on 01-01-1990Issued by the Ministry of Communications ofthe Peoples Republic of ChinaContents1General Rules12Route, Bridge Site, Tunnel Site and Foundation32.1.Route, Bridge site and Tunnel Site32.2.Foundation53.Subgrade and Retaining Wall93.1.Checking calculations of anti-seismic strength and stability93.2.Anti-seismic measures124Bridges144.1.General rules144.2.Seismic load154.3.Checking Calculations of Anti-seismic Strength and Stability314.4.Anti-seismic measures34Chapter 5Tunnels405.1.General Rules405.2.Checking Calculations of Anti-seismic Strength and Stability405.3.Anti-seismic measures42Appendix 1Approximate Formulas for Fundamental Period of Beam Bridge Piers44Appendix 2Approximate Calculation Formula for Fundamental Period of Beam Bridges with Laminated Rubber Bearings46Appendix 3Approximate Calculation Formulas for Fundamental Period of Single-span Arch Bridges47Appendix 4Approximate Calculation Formula for Natural Vibration Period of Multiple-arch Bridges49Appendix 5Table of Seismic Internal Force Coefficient for Arch Bridges52Appendix 6 Method of Determination of Dynamic Magnification Coefficient According to Site Assessment Index 57Appendix 7Explanation of Terminology of this Code59Appendix 8Wording Explanation of the Code60Anti-seismic Design Code for Highway EngineeringJTJ044-89 Execution on January 1st, 1990 Basic SymbolsActions and their effects-Horizontal seismic load acting at the center of gravity of calculated subgrade soil mass-Horizontal seismic load acting at the center of gravity of wall body above section i-Horizontal seismic load acting at mass point i of a beam bridge pier -Horizontal seismic load generated on the top surface of laminated rubber bearings on pier i by superstructure-Horizontal seismic load generated by pier body-Summation of horizontal seismic loads generated on the top surface of one or several laminated rubber bearings by superstructure-Horizontal seismic load acting at the center of gravity of abutment body-Active soil pressure acting over every linear meter of abutment back in case of an earthquake-Longitudinal horizontal concentrated force acting on pier top-Longitudinal horizontal seismic load distributed around pier body-Transverse horizontal concentrated force acting on pier top-Bending moment, shear force or torsional moment caused at arch foot, arch crown and 1/4 arch span sections by transverse horizontal seismic load uniformly distributed along arch rings of an equal-span multiple-arch bridge-Horizontal seismic load acting on any of mass points on tunnel lining and open cut tunnels-Gravity of calculated soil mass of subgrade-Gravity of wall body masonry above section i-Gravity of pier body segments-Converted mass point gravity on the top surface of bearingsGap-Gravity of superstructure-Gravity of beam caps-Gravity of pier body-Converted mass point gravity of piers to the top surface of laminated rubber bearings-Gravity of abutment body above the top surface of foundation-Average gravity over unit arc length of arch rings, including structures on top of arches-Concentrated gravity on the top of pier i-Total gravity of superstructures of a one-span arch bridge-Gravity over each linear meter of pier body-Total hydrodynamic pressure acting on piers at 1/2 height of water depth in case of an earthquake-Longitudinal horizontal seismic load acting on fixed bearings-Transverse horizontal seismic load acting on fixed bearings and freely movable bearings-Longitudinal or transverse horizontal seismic load acting on rubber bearings-Bending moment, shear force or axial force caused at arch foot, arch crown and 1/4 arch span section by vertical seismic load arising from longitudinal horizontal seismic motion of a single-span arch bridge-Variable moment, shear or axial force caused at arch foot, arch crown and 1/4 arch span cross section by horizontal seismic load arising from longitudinal horizontal seismic motion of a single-span arch bridge-Bending moment, shear force or torsion moment caused at arch foot, arch crown and 1/4 arch span section by horizontal seismic load arising from transverse horizontal seismic motion of a single-span arch bridge-Total seismic internal force of arch rings of an equal-span multiple-arch bridge-Total seismic internal force of pier bodies of an equal-span multiple-arch bridge-Relative horizontal displacement of a beam bridge pier at the center of gravity of segment i in the fundamental mode-Ratio of horizontal displacement caused at general scouring line or on the top surface of foundation by unit horizontal force longitudinally a
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